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Rose Mommy ®

125 year old Female
42 minutes ago
Blessed and Highly Flavored ,
@verucassault please tell me you liked that comment because you like the character and not because you didn’t believe me either XD
Veru @verucassault It was more for ghost gettin sassy on ya >_<
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying How dare you! XD Is it that unbelievable I could be ginormous sksksk
I do kind of understand the point he’s making. But I’m also kind of confused? I sometimes think of certain movements like black lives matter, feminists, lgbtq, etc. movements as like if you were to defend/take care of your own family, of course at the end of the day you’d watch out/look out for your own party and own group because at the end of the day yourself and your own family is what you’re concerned with. Now I do understand what he means by saying as soon as someone disagrees with them or certain things they do/say they get upset and call someone something they aren’t, but it also sound like... I don’t wanna say he’s upset at them for defending their cause but kind of questioning how they defend their own group? Especially because that’s what those specific movements are meant for is that particular group of people, so of course they’d mainly focus on the problems that said group goes through :3
Sep 22, 22 at 2:04pm
On a more serious note. No trolling this time. Taking a bird’s eye view on the political forest. Notice how everyone protects their own tribe. Feminist protects woman. LGBT+ protects LGBT+. Men protect men. Everyone is ultimately reduced to tribal politics. You think you are all different. But in the end. You are all playing tribal politics. No, my tribe is more oppressed. No, my tribe is not recognized as we like to be recognized. No, my tribe deserves to be a protected class. No, my tribe is fucked over by such and such laws. Then after that. If you don’t agree with my tribe’s political orthodoxy, then you’re a bigot. If you don’t agree with my tribe’s political orthodoxy, then you’re a child groomer. If you don’t agree with my tribe’s political orthodoxy, then you’re a misogynist. If you don’t agree with my tribe’s political orthodoxy, then you’re pedo or such and such. You think your all different. But in the end. You are all the same. Each political tribe is only looking out for the best interest of their own tribe. All tribes are ultimately serving no one, but themselves. Image supplied by a user.
Going back to the forest analogy. If each tribe is a tree. Then the soil where the roots of the tress gain their nutrients is analogous to power, money, social acceptance, emotional support and all the beneficial things that society brings to humans. Every single tree. Every single tribe. Wants to gain the most nutrients from the ground. Each tree, each tribe primary focus is that their tree gets enough nutrients from the soil. The well being of other trees, of other tribes is a secondary focus. If your tribe gets enough nutrients from the soil (money, power, social acceptance, emotional support, etc) then it doesn’t really matter if the other trees in the forest get enough nutrients. Each political tribe is only looking out for the best interest of their own tree. All tribes are ultimately serving no one, but themselves. But the well being of their own tree.
DEACTIVATED @swadian He's right and wrong at the same time, he's right in the sense that groups and communities will usually look after each other first before others and also their interests. He's wrong in the sense that he's obviously ignoring most of the talks that happened yesterday and focusing exclusively on the first few posts that were given. He ignored my multiple calls for liberty of expression for everyone, why? Because he cannot help himself but troll even when he's being serious. Same old Aleph
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Oh! Now that you say that, I guess they do it in a way that when it comes to anyone else they’re cold and uncaring towards said person. Okay, I get that. Is he trolling? Maybe it’s cause I don’t see him much or pay attention much so idk lol
DEACTIVATED @swadian Hmmm it's more like... Each group wants liberty of expression and wants to move forward their agenda, problem is, usually the most vocal members (and radical ones) tend to be the ones that are heard the most, so the impression that all feminists want the extinction of men becomes commonplace, the idea that LGBTQIA+ members want to homosexualize everything on the earth becomes another dumb rhetoric, that black lives matter looks to ignore crimes and give special treatment becomes an argument.
DEACTIVATED @swadian Aleph is just pushing everyone on the same bag of his agenda (which ironically is hypocritical since he's criticizing people who's self centered and ignores others) and claiming everyone simply seeks their own gains regardless of circumstances even though several of us are open minded enough to defend several groups at the same time.
DEACTIVATED @swadian Why he does this? Because he cannot help himself to try to troll and upset people even when he tries his best to be serious and nice, it's part of his personality to be autistic.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Yeah I see the point. The radical and crazy ones are always the ones to be seen, I guess it doesn’t help when people choose to focus on the bad stuff. It’s like watching the news XD, all they do is report the bad things/people
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I think that’s rude to autistic people XD. They are sweet <3
DEACTIVATED @swadian It's not rude when they use their condition as a means to justify their behavior
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I’m sure nit every autistic person does. And are you saying that from experience or is Aleph actual autistic and uses it as an excuse? I can’t tell
DEACTIVATED @swadian Oh most autistic individuals are actually pretty chill, I mean they have their episodes but they usually own up to their mistakes unless their condition is really really severe.
Veru @verucassault left a comment for Rose Mommy ®
Sep 22, 22 at 4:41pm
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Indeed. XD
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying You look lovely XD. Is that your Halloween costume? XD
Veru @verucassault No that's my every day man costume. XD
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Ahh. So you’re just always fashionable, gotcha! ;)
Veru @verucassault *finger guns*
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I could never compare to thee, m’lady XD
Veru @verucassault Quirkiness just piles on with age so within time, you too can be just as ridiculous as myself.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Please be my teacher, master, senpai... whatever you want. So I too can be wonderfully ridiculous as you *bows*
Veru @verucassault You are already well upon your way Pumpkin-kouhai.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Thank you so much! Ruca-senpai! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Sep 22, 22 at 8:57am
Made one from the link you posted~
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I love it! Thank you baby chimken <3
@amarantha you got hungry didn’t you? I’m sure your other fish has a great 19 days with you too and the new fish looks gorgeous darling <3
[942PM] My first pet fish died last week. Been crying a lot lately because of it. Days after my fish died, my brother took me to the fish store and bought me a new fish. I named it 'Guppy, cause I remember when I was a kid there is this comic story about an odd girl with a pet fish and she described her fish as a guppy one. I still miss my old fish tho. My best 19 days. ❤️ Here are some Guppy pics I took. :)
lei_maiotaku @amarantha I got teary eyed reading your post. Haha ❤️
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Cry if you need love. Only downside is I’m not there to hug you :(, but! One day I’ll travel to the Philippines (gotta meet baby panda and stuff) and I’ll randomly find and give you all the love <3
@redhawk still shooketh from the political thread I see XD
Sep 22, 22 at 4:17am
I don’t like dark magic but yes, I do still love my baby chimken no matter what <3
@verucassault love the one with the longer hair :3
Sep 21, 22 at 1:06pm
You know what, Sirenhead would be a whole lot cooler if he did walk around playing Radiohead, ngl.
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I will treasure this forever (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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Image supplied by a user.
Image supplied by a user.
Image supplied by a user.
Image supplied by a user.
Image supplied by a user.
Image supplied by a user.
Image supplied by a user.
Image supplied by a user.
Image supplied by a user.@wei_yingThis raps for you! It's the only gift that felt special enough to give that's why I gave ya two! You're a wonderful woman who tells people they are as special as yourself. That ain't false preaching when those words are coming from the heart itself. When logged on all of MO is turned on. To the lights your shining more brightness than the dawn! Don't ever forget to the people that you've met, we see hope in all that you've blessed, bet.
Wanda @yeesha So true ♥️♥️♥️
@gabriel_true when did the black butler boy’s do that!? It’s been awhile since I saw the show and idk if I was able to see the movie XD
Rising from the ash Like A Phoenix!
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