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Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying

If you lose's because big brother didn't appreciate him enough.
Floran's Manly Dropoff

Mountain Curly @forgetmenot
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Floran's Manly Dropoff
Mountain Curly @forgetmenot
Fuck my big chungus ass life. Phone shat the bed literally outta nowhere, wonder how much shit I'm bouta lose, or didn't backup. Gooner's worst nightmare. I had so much good shit in there too

Mountain Curly @forgetmenot Speak for yourself LOL he's probably the one who did it

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Rose Mommy ®
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I appreciate your choice of scripture. Thank you for the words of encouragement.
Perhaps I came across as though I was referring to myself considering those things, but I was merely venting about the frustration of that choice being a reoccurring habit amongst members of my family.
There aren't a lot of us left and those of us left alive shouldn't throw away what time is left.
Hell the one cousin I am close with who recently suffered a coma from a motorcycle accident has been fighting to stay alive. This was the same cousin whose dad, my uncle, chose suicide when we were kids.
So if he can find value in living then I don't see why this other person could not. Especially because, by my brother's account, this man did it over a woman that rejected him. Can't get more pathetic.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Even if you're not directly talking about yourself, these things can still negatively effect you, even if you weren't necessarily close to that person who went through with such an act. Especially if you are going through tough time after tough time, repetitive negative news can wear down on everything: mind, body and soul. If nothing else, you can take this as something to lift up before God, especially from personal experience, such habits and traits like suicide and depression can at times just be more than just a passed down trait, but even a generational type of curse. And I also know from personal experience, that God always wants to end these things in, I truly hope you continue to see the value in your own life everyday (even when things get tough), and that the hope you have/desire to have to live spreads to the rest of your family and all who know you, Gabby. ❤️

Gabriel @gabriel_true I could not have worded that better, Rose. Again you speak truth, Rose. Thank you!

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying You are always welcomed, Gabby.

Urahara @kurahara
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Rose Mommy ®
Urahara @kurahara
Hey Rosie,
How have you been?

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Heya Ura, I've been doing well lately, thank you for asking. How are you?

Urahara @kurahara Im also fine thanks, just been busy with the Ramadhan month.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I'm glad that you are doing well too ^^.
Mommy's Character Creations and Stories

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Mommy's Character Creations and Stories
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying

Mommy’s Random Thoughts

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Mommy’s Random Thoughts
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
(9:03 PM Sun.) I just want to thank those that gave to the for our parents 30th Anniversary, and to those that may have desired to but couldn't afford it, you are truly appreciated! You guys helped make or mom and dad cry, so that is super exciting as we don't get to surprise them as much as we desire to. They also say thank you and that they appreciate everyone.
In other news though, our parents (I believe) used some of that money to buy me and my siblings some dessert and toys/trinkets *insert smiley sweat drop face here* even though I told them not to spend any money on us. They have always brought us back cheesecake or something every year for THEIR Anniversary, so I guess this year wasn't going to be any different XD. All is well though, it made our parents happy to bring stuff home, so that means us kids are happy as well. I'm glad to know that they had an enjoyable day together! ❤️