datritzboi @datritzboi
datritzboi @datritzboi
There's always gonna be idiots like that. I bet there's people that'll look at 4k and still call it crap....
What game are you currently playing?

Triscuit @bob_loblaw
commented on
What game are you currently playing?
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
I put Cyberpunk on hold to play Horizon Forbidden West instead on PS5. Probably the best looking open world game, regardless of console or PC. Cyberpunk could be, but it's a completely different setting so it's hard to compare which looks better overall.
I've seen comments by obvious Microsoft/PC people trying to downplay HFW and have been idiotic enough to make claims such as The Witcher 3 on PC LoOkS bEtTeR

datritzboi @datritzboi
datritzboi @datritzboi
There is a way to "scale the mountain" easier: The movies. Some of them cover arcs in the span of one movie, making a big cut-through while skipping the extra stuff/filler. Plus, the animation is better, IIRC. Or, you can just focus on the manga. The Wikias help connect where the manga and the anime are, making it easy to transfer from either one.
what do you guys think about one piece??

Philtehsamuraiwalrus @philtehsamuraiwalrus
commented on
what do you guys think about one piece??
Philtehsamuraiwalrus @philtehsamuraiwalrus
I have always wanted to get into One Piece, but I just haven't been able to get into it. Ive heard really good, and some bad, things about it, and Ive always been interested, but it just seems like an unscalable mountain at this point. Ive tried watching it a few times, but I always fall off about 5 or 6 episodes in

iti02 @iti02
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iti02 @iti02
This account has been suspended.

datritzboi @datritzboi
datritzboi @datritzboi
I used to play that a lot. It was fun trying to find out new fusions.
What game are you currently playing?

Avenger @avenger_senpai
commented on
What game are you currently playing?
Avenger @avenger_senpai
Started replaying Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelist Of The Roses, still a great game! Forgot how awesome the intro was

datritzboi @datritzboi
datritzboi @datritzboi
Puts you in a good mood (sometimes)
Last one to post here wins

Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
commented on
Last one to post here wins
Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
Food is good

datritzboi @datritzboi
datritzboi @datritzboi
*looks down through the comments* Wait...I DID know!

giku23 @giku23
commented on
Myself as Mayuri Kurotsuchi fro

giku23 @giku23
Looks crazy lol thumbs up

datritzboi @datritzboi
datritzboi @datritzboi
I didn't know he did that cosplay. I envy that. I'll have to ask him about that sometime.

giku23 @giku23
commented on
Myself as Mayuri Kurotsuchi fro

giku23 @giku23
Looks crazy lol thumbs up

datritzboi @datritzboi
datritzboi @datritzboi
What game are you currently playing?

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
What game are you currently playing?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Was trying to 100% concrete genie so i can get my 3rd platinum trophy. Only got like 4-5 trophies left. Man that game is so unoptimized and glitchy. I also hate when games dont let you skip the cutscenes. Give me the option to skip especially when i probably played the game already and have seen the cutscenes.

datritzboi @datritzboi
datritzboi @datritzboi
Surprisingly, there was a Sonic animation that involved this very thing. Funny and cute, too.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Gabriel @gabriel_true

datritzboi @datritzboi
datritzboi @datritzboi
Right. Just flow with it.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7