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fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
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fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
Thanks for the add

tasha @tasha
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tasha @tasha

fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
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fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
Hey thanks for being my friend let chat sometime.
what do you guys think about one piece??

Philtehsamuraiwalrus @philtehsamuraiwalrus
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what do you guys think about one piece??
Philtehsamuraiwalrus @philtehsamuraiwalrus
I have always wanted to get into One Piece, but I just haven't been able to get into it. Ive heard really good, and some bad, things about it, and Ive always been interested, but it just seems like an unscalable mountain at this point. Ive tried watching it a few times, but I always fall off about 5 or 6 episodes in
Kind of new

Philtehsamuraiwalrus @philtehsamuraiwalrus
Kind of new
Philtehsamuraiwalrus @philtehsamuraiwalrus
Hi, my names Philip. I made my account on this sight a while back, but then kinda abandoned it, but now Im back and looking for friends, and hopefully a relationship. Im kinda shy, and would really appreciate people adding me. It might take me a while to get comfortable with you, but I promise you it's worth the effort. Im a better listener than I am a conversationalist, so Id love to find people who enjoy talking, or well typing I guess. I'll try and be as active as I can, but I occasionally go AWOL for a few days, so please dont think this means I dont want to talk