Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
21 years and counting and in february next year it will be 22
Have you heard of....

Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
commented on
Have you heard of....
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
Wait, that still exists? Never messed about with it, but it would always be advertised when I was on some video game forum that has been long defunct.

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
they have stuff to get around that now, no one really gets hacked anymore no one really tries because ya know we all have been on there since that age so since we are all grown ass adults we dont hack each other (and there is some younger kids like my daughter for instance) but usually the noobs are the only kids or some adults but hackings are a 1 in a billion chance and there arent even that many users sooo rare occurance these days
Have you heard of....

Arc @arc
commented on
Have you heard of....
Arc @arc
Yeah, I remember that site. Back when I was around 12 I was on there all the time and then I got my account hacked so I quit. Man, I did so many RPs on that site...

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
I HAD THOSE SAME EXACT COOKIES!! WALMART!! i ate them when high after the 3rd cookie i was like, "toooo fuuuull -stops eating-"
Halloween Thread!

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Halloween Thread!
Gabriel @gabriel_true


Gabriel @gabriel_true Food Lion is my dealer. Got me my Halloween cookie hook up to feed the sugar addiction!

squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
left a comment for
Otaku Gamer Babe
squirrelatemycookie @squirrelatemycookie
Cute kitty. Reminds me of the one I used to have. <3

Gabriel @gabriel_true
left a comment for
Otaku Gamer Babe
Gabriel @gabriel_true
That's a fancy profile picture. You draw the ears yourself or was that a premade filter option?

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean premade
i wish i drew it i probably could

Gabriel @gabriel_true It looked like maybe you had done that by hand, but it was near professional quality with the line work. Couldn't tell exactly.

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean right xDD but yea no

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean now its of my cat Ms. Kitty, she was watching the window for boxelder bugs :D

Gabriel @gabriel_true My cat Miracle likes to jump up on the windowsill too. However she does it to tear up my blinds.

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean same my blinds in my room are messed up that are behind my chair. but other than that she just puts her paws up on the window sill on that window because my bed is too low for that xDD

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
Random thoughts...

ifyoubelieveit @ifyoubelieveit
commented on
Random thoughts...
ifyoubelieveit @ifyoubelieveit
This account has been suspended.

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
you and my best friend would get along with each other he has over 28,000 hours in GW2 i am a beginner at it still but im learning, you might actually know him, his username usually has "Dymond" somewhere in it
What game are you currently playing?

lavawight @lavawight
commented on
What game are you currently playing?
lavawight @lavawight
Guild Wars 2 mostly. Occasionally Fatal Frame 5 and Star Ocean: The Last Hope.

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
lol wut?
How do all of you watch anime ?

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
How do all of you watch anime ?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Wait until you find whore of the rings, staring dildo saggins. Or so I've heard...

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
probably, "Loser, Baby"

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
commented on

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
@chaostabbean Yeah, the style is really nice to look at. What's your favorite Hazbin song?

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I don't know if I can choose a favorite personally XD. I actually really love Poison though too.

Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
Otaku Gamer Babe @chaostabbean
Hello everyone, I have had a rough past couple of months! I'm feeling a lot better now! (: