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Tabbioka Bean @chaostabbean
Tabbioka Bean @chaostabbean
Random thoughts...
ifyoubelieveit @ifyoubelieveit
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Random thoughts...
ifyoubelieveit @ifyoubelieveit
This account has been suspended.
Tabbioka Bean @chaostabbean
Tabbioka Bean @chaostabbean
you and my best friend would get along with each other he has over 28,000 hours in GW2 i am a beginner at it still but im learning, you might actually know him, his username usually has "Dymond" somewhere in it
What game are you currently playing?
lavawight @lavawight
commented on
What game are you currently playing?
lavawight @lavawight
Guild Wars 2 mostly. Occasionally Fatal Frame 5 and Star Ocean: The Last Hope.
Tabbioka Bean @chaostabbean
Tabbioka Bean @chaostabbean
lol wut?
How do all of you watch anime ?
yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
How do all of you watch anime ?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Wait until you find whore of the rings, staring dildo saggins. Or so I've heard...
Tabbioka Bean @chaostabbean
Tabbioka Bean @chaostabbean
Anyone want to VC and watch me play, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch for awhile and then I will let someone stream their shit too if they want (: please....i'm bored and I can't sleep? or we can VC and play poke'mon gen 9 (violet/scarlet, violet is my main save)?
What game are you currently playing?
Tabbioka Bean @chaostabbean
commented on
What game are you currently playing?
Tabbioka Bean @chaostabbean
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch :remastered: for PC via XBOX gamepass