Aug 25, 22 at 9:01am

Jacob @jacobl89
commented on
Discord for Gaming. Maybe among us?
Jacob @jacobl89
Holy cow I completely forgot I made this thread like 2 years ago
Aug 25, 22 at 8:48am
Aug 24, 22 at 2:17pm
Me saying, "Eh gurl! I love it when you come, but I love it even more when I'm watching you leave."
Then she left and hasn't been back ever since. Such a gorgeous sight.
Ahhh, good times...good times.
Then she left and hasn't been back ever since. Such a gorgeous sight.
Ahhh, good times...good times.
Aug 24, 22 at 12:11pm
it's whenever you feel like hanging out honestly, their no rush just if you ever want to hang out let me know. we can make plans from their. I understand busy, moving and new jobs. I am always busy.

Aug 24, 22 at 1:19am
This account has been suspended.
Aug 23, 22 at 11:48pm
I know right?! I would love that. There was also this style. (
Aug 23, 22 at 6:12pm
Hello, Looking for friends to hangout with at some point. Anyone local Columbus Ohio???
Aug 23, 22 at 6:10pm
Hello, I go by coco. I am looking for more female friends to relate to. To join my server, Bullshit talk on voice chat make new friends. Nothing wrong with you guys love you guys. Just i need to get more female friends on my discord server and in my life period i want a mixture of friends.
Aug 22, 22 at 8:45pm
Welcome back, Curious Soul.
Aug 22, 22 at 1:03pm
Hello, anyone on the west side of Columbus?, groce city, Galloway area? Maybe wanna meet up sometime to hang out?
Aug 21, 22 at 3:19pm
I low-key want to get one of these wallet with chains. I don't care too much about looks or fashion. But I would be lying if I said that I wasn't digging the chain. But forget about the looks. The chain has a really good practical application. The practical application is the most important part for me. Any MF trying to pickpocket my wallet has to yank on the chain. That's when you kick that MF in the nuts! Gud pickpocket protection xD


Aug 20, 22 at 12:03am
I got a whole theater to myself.