Sep 29, 22 at 6:48pm

sakurakiss @sakurakiss
commented on
Thermae Romae Novae
sakurakiss @sakurakiss
I watched the first episode last night and like it so far.
Sep 29, 22 at 3:22pm
Hey there, Boyo. Glad you're here in our little shithole LOL. Jk it's not that bad. Enjoy your stay
Sep 29, 22 at 2:42pm
Sep 29, 22 at 1:15pm
But I wanted to have nice hair too
Sep 28, 22 at 10:53am
Chrono Trigger is one of my favorites. Mega Man X, Final Fantasy 6, Wild Arms, Legend of Legaia, Legend of Dragoon, Tales of Symphonia. I tend to play a lot of RPGs
Sep 27, 22 at 7:02pm
definitely watch in 4k 60fps
Sep 27, 22 at 5:10pm
So far I am enjoying this noir, but I agree with Arc that some of your language choices are interesting, haha! "... doesn't explains..." is hilarious to me for some reason even though it's a simple typo. The way I imagine the character talking makes it funnier. "Average sized white man ON his early 20's..." also made me laugh.
Sep 26, 22 at 3:46pm
Hey, long story short am fed up of tinder and bumble, thought I'd try my luck here, am UK based... Am an aspiring artist/cosplayer, into my shoujo and romcoms.
Looking for friends and maybe a partner in crime, bonus points if you cosplay <3
Sep 25, 22 at 4:51pm
You got me Aleph! Hey but while we have the cringe train rolling let's add this conspiracy fact into the mix.
Elon Musk did a cross over promotion a while back with Mihoyo for Genshin Impact! If you compare the photo I took of Space X to the wish animation in Genshin it's eerily similar. As if Musk and Mihoyo did this stunt as a way of enticing people like me subliminally to go back to playing the game and spending money on wishes rather than going outside to touch grass!
Sep 25, 22 at 6:13am
Mmmm.... For you? ANYTHING, senpai!!! And don't worry, the whole me being a dude? Nah, that's just a facade.... I was just waiting to be owned by a strong and domineering ALPHA, such as yourself. You sexy devil, you. And yeah, they're real and they're SPECTACULAR. Show me your toys and I'll show you mine, baby.;)

Sep 24, 22 at 9:16pm
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Sep 24, 22 at 6:40pm
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