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tsuruo @tsuruo
tsuruo @tsuruo
why are you watching tv of someone watching tv T_T lmaoooo
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yaasshat @yaasshat Can you find the clue?! Blues clues!!!!

tsuruo @tsuruo That was blues clues?!?!?! NOOOOOO i didn't even noticeee ;-; I've become unculturedddd FORGIVE MEEE T_T

yaasshat @yaasshat My life is nothing but kids shows... Yippee!!! lol

tsuruo @tsuruo
tsuruo @tsuruo
Happiness is found deep inside you. (I'm happiness btw :3)

animeandramen @animeandramen
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animeandramen @animeandramen
This account has been suspended.

Mountain Curly @forgetmenot Time for curly to ruin it with his signature negativity! LOL jk
I'm surprised I'm still single ;-;

tsuruo @tsuruo
commented on
I'm surprised I'm still single ;-;
tsuruo @tsuruo
hear me out now. getting into a relationship is like cheating on your hands. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
Make A Lie Aboout The Person Above You

tsuruo @tsuruo
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Make A Lie Aboout The Person Above You
tsuruo @tsuruo

would do a bit of trolling