Editing profile, seeking female wisdom/advice
mirai_k @mirai_k
Editing profile, seeking female wisdom/advice
mirai_k @mirai_k
I started rewriting my About Me section and was trying to think of what women might want to know about a dude and such. But alas, I'm a dude which means I have a smol brain and my blood flows to the wrong head, bypassing said brain, so I lack the ability to figure it out for myself.
I read the profile info chart post a few days back, but I'm trying to find women to date here, so I figured why not ask women here what they wished guys would (or would not) put in their profiles. **kneels and humbly pleads** Please oh wise female senseis of MaiOtaku, teach me these secrets!!!
I do realize I need to add real pics of me so sometime in the next few days I'll take some new ones (been awhile since I've taken a selfie) and add them.
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
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Editing profile, seeking female wisdom/advice
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
Don't try to push yourself on them. Most girls really don't like pushy. Also don't be a yes man either. Dating a puppet isn't fun at all. Actually be honest about your intentions and desires. It really hurts to have that hidden and making the other feel like a fool for being played
yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Editing profile, seeking female wisdom/advice
yaasshat @yaasshat
Huh... You say your stupid and only think with your dick? Well, that seems to be an individual issue, bud. Asking in this format is more like picking and choosing from the very few women that respond to this thread, seeing as you're only getting an opinion of what those particular women are looking for and not an over all "This should be where you start.". As a guy, I know if I were looking for a woman, having a real life pic showing you doing something other than taking pictures in a bathroom or bedroom is always a plus. Listing hobbies, giving a little insight into who you are and what you're looking for is also a plus. You're on an anime dating (Moreso "social" site.)site, as are they, so you can assume that doesn't need to be said. Maybe talk about favorite genres as far as topic starters...etc. With that said, I can only assume it's a lot of the same for women. You know how to advertise yourself, show your best attributes, what's important to you and give just enough information to allow someone to start a conversation from, right? It's that simple. As far as approach? Well, I assume you know how to speak to humans? Start from there and go in without expectation. Also, understand this particular site is like fishing in a mud puddle that's quickly drying up in the summer sun, there's not much to it and it's incredibly shallow. Best of luck and godspeed.
mirai_k @mirai_k
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Editing profile, seeking female wisdom/advice
mirai_k @mirai_k
1--"Huh... You say your stupid and only think with your dick?"--It's called having a sense of humor, you really ought to try it sometime.
2--"As a guy" you decided to respond to something seeking female advice. The remark about dudes having smol brains was a joke. No need to do your best to prove it true.
3--I apologize for not mentioning this sooner, but I'm seeking the advice of humans, not trolls. Next time I'll consider including a species limitation.
4--I took a peek and saw how incredibly verbose and masterfully written your Nobel Prize worthy About section is. Truly yours is the standard by which all male profiles here should be written, if you had written anything lol.
Joking aside, thanks for trying to help. I do know how to advertise myself and have ideas on what to include, BUT that said, we aren't women and in some ways women see things differently from guys so I'm trying to take their thoughts and opinions into account when trying to figure out what to put in my profile. And yes, it would be nice if we had more women here, but that's the case on every dating site. Perhaps if we try to understand them better, respect them, and make this place more enjoyable for them then more of them will stick around in the future. Best of luck to you too!
yaasshat @yaasshat
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Editing profile, seeking female wisdom/advice
yaasshat @yaasshat
I'm not here looking.
You asked for advice on a public forum? I obliged. So sorry I don't have a vagina... I too was joking, but I can start digging if that's how you wanna be.
mirai_k @mirai_k
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Editing profile, seeking female wisdom/advice
mirai_k @mirai_k
Congrats on finding someone, I'm glad you did. Every time I see someone find someone, it means there is still hope for the rest of us. And nah, I'm not here to dig and start things, though I will fight back when attacked. There's already too much conflict in this world and far too much energy wasted on it. Better to have fun and good times I say :) Hope ya have a good night and good luck with your waifu.
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
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Editing profile, seeking female wisdom/advice
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
I can only tell you what worked for me on here. Met the most wonderful lady here. Some of it is the profile, some pictures help. Most of it is in the engagement. Talk to people and don't be afraid to be yourself, but be the best version of yourself. Most important is remember that it is another person you are talking to. Don't treat the person on the other end like some sort of toy or something for you are entitled to.
As far as what to put on the profile, keep it simple. Don't write paragraphs about yourself since people tend to just sort of not read after the first few sentences or just sort of skim over it. List a few interests, some things you like to do. A few pictures are good so they know what you look like.
That's all I can offer, hope it helps out some.
Veru @verucassault
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Editing profile, seeking female wisdom/advice
Veru @verucassault
Keep it simple.
Add some interests.
Definitely avoid the bathroom/mirror selfies. (We should all know better by now.)
Since I am "taken", my opinion might not be wanted or relevant but I can say it damn sure wasn't Arc's about me that attracted me to him.
Ghost @kuharido
commented on
Editing profile, seeking female wisdom/advice
Ghost @kuharido
@mirai_k Don't mind Yass too much. He likes the attention.
Put some pics up and list out what you like. I use to have a somewhat decent about me section but got rid of it. I have had no luck romance wise. Yet I have made some good friends and usually that leads to someone to be a partner. Usually... XD
Edit: if you're using more conventional dating sites make sure your profile picture is attention grabbing(like wrestling a big plushie bear) it'll get more clicks on your profile.
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
commented on
Editing profile, seeking female wisdom/advice
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Yaas has a vagina?? POG
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