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Looks or personality or both?

I prefer personality to looks~Most people won't look terrible unless they don't care about themselves or they experienced some terrible things or they are sick~Getting appealing looks is far easier than acquiring an actually "good" personality heh. Factors that affect: family..upbringing..experiences..education..introspection.. Don't be deceived by fake personalities some people present people online heh<words are easier than actions>. Pay attention to certain details and comtemplate.
Mar 03, 19 at 10:27pm
i dont care about ether because i lack both myself. im better at none relationship things because ive never been in one and because im old an boring. this post was real boring, some people like boring. i do, im not for excitment even though the chaos is going to be around a while. fun stuff, i dont even know much and by now i should be wise. ive got knowledge though.
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Both and everyone explained it for me already ^^'
Honestly while I would say both I strive more towards personality. I feel like if I really get to know a person then I'll be able to find some beauty in their looks versus just judging them off of looks from the start without knowing a single thing about them.
Mar 04, 19 at 12:52pm
Personality can make an ugly person beautiful and a beautiful person ugly. But anyone that says "looks aren't important" is 100% lying to themselves. Everyone has a preference. Some people won't date someone who has terrible dental hygiene, others prefer to date someone that's taller than them. Some prefer someone of a certain ethnic background and some prefer someone of a particular body type. There are always limitations to what you are willing to accept from someone's physical appearance, and EVERYONE feels that way to some degree. I think it's a red flag whenever someone says "Looks don't matter to me."
Yes everyone is on the right page. I dated] a girl I wasnt attracted to once or twice. They cheated because I was not physically affectionate. I have to be attracted physically. I know what I like and I actually have decent standards. But personality has to come first. I refuse to suffer through just for a pretty face.
Personality generally, since I tend to find something I'm physically attracted to about a person whether it be their smile, hair, eyes, other facial features, their posture/body language etc.
Mar 13, 19 at 10:31pm
Looks aren't THAT important but there is a red line where I won't be attracted to them. I think personality is good but I have a pet theory that TALENT/SUCCESS is actually a third thing that might be even more critical. Like... if you look average and are a nice person that's great we can be friends and maybe date. If you look average and are nice and you publish a weekly webtoon then heck yeah I am going to want to jump into bed with you.
That kind of sounds wrong in a way as I understand that people have needs of somebody that is successful but it kind of is wrong that you would only want talent over personality because not all people are good as I've learned that somebody can be talented and have the best career in the world but can also Trick people with their looks. If somebody is interested in the same things that I like I will look into it and try to get to know the person and not just say I'm going to jump into bed with the first person that looks like Hinata from Naruto Shippuden. But that's just me as I just see that people that only look at Like instead of personality when they come to thinking of life partners or thinking of someone to sleep with when it comes to looks that's one thing but when it comes to relationship wise that is a huge damper in a red light.
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