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Darius Nack @otakueaterd
Darius Nack @otakueaterd
Seems things have changed kinda.

Darius Nack @otakueaterd
Darius Nack @otakueaterd
Well I'm back

Darius Nack @otakueaterd
Darius Nack @otakueaterd
Dang this place has changed a bit.

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio for better or worse?

Darius Nack @otakueaterd Well the system seems as if it has changed a bit as it's not bad it has a more Twitter feel to it. It looks much cleaner as well.
Make A Lie Aboout The Person Above You

Darius Nack @otakueaterd
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Make A Lie Aboout The Person Above You
Darius Nack @otakueaterd
Lies to pick up chicks

Darius Nack @otakueaterd
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Darius Nack @otakueaterd
Jun 15-17
Aug 17-19
Jan 26-27
Aug 9-11