
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
commented on
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
Parents: "Get over your fear of Disney's The Lion King! They are just for kids and immature people!"

Arc @arc
commented on
Arc @arc
I'm sick and tired of this 90+ degrees every day bullshit. 360 dollars for one month of AC. Every time that AC kicks on the meter starts and I get poorer and poorer.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
yaasshat @yaasshat
Yes surrrr.... I don't envy you. However, I'm paying around $200 for a two bedroom apartment. So, not to far behind you. lol I do keep it between 72-73. I won't do a hot
Like two years ago it was usually no higher than $110... *Cries in poor*(Can't afford to cry, that is.)

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I am not sure what kind of system you have, Arc, but that does appear to be fairly high for the size of your home. Unless you are using window units which will eat up a lot of electricity.
I have a tri-level house with a central air system and so far I have only had to pay around $140 a month for electricity. Usually I keep the house at around 72°F. If I were to drop it to 68° like my former roommate then I would probably be paying over $200.
In the winter I have had it go up to $210 for heat, but that was also because I was using a space heater in addition to central.
So perhaps you may want to have a technician take a look at your heating and cooling system for any electrical problems raising your bill?

Arc @arc
commented on
Arc @arc
@gabriel_true yeah, I think I'm going to question my latest bill. I keep it at 75 during the day and 70 and night and I'm getting friggin railroaded here. Thanks for the info. Compared to your house it does seem like I'm getting screwed here.

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
commented on
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Called Amazon about my desk I ordered and they said they had server crash so all packages at that time are going to come in late. Idk when I'm getting my desk LOL

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
commented on
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
Parents: "Venting/Ranting is healthy for you! Holding in makes it worse!"
Also Parents: "Venting/Ranting is for immature, demonic people!"

jacoblow @jacoblow
commented on
jacoblow @jacoblow
I like to vent against my family who always gets annoyed when I vent,

Arc @arc
commented on
Arc @arc
Here's another vent. I hate kick. It's a site that encourages the exploitation
of minors and revenge porn. Another pedo got revealed this month. It's just friggin non-stop. Kick is a sickness that needs to be banned and removed. One of the co-founders of that site is sick for encouraging all of it by donating subs to these preditors.

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
commented on
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
"Not lying is a good trait. It builds trust."
"Honesty without compassion is cruelty."
"Unpleasant truths are like surgery. Hurts, yet heals."
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