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Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
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Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
Hey, it's been a while! How's it going?
hiroifan362 @hiroifan362
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hiroifan362 @hiroifan362
I am the Hiroi
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
Mr. Rogers has always been one of my favorite characters/people
Last one to post here wins
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
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Last one to post here wins
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Rossini, etc. are inferior to top vocal singers of today, huh? Because there are no lyrics? I love easy-listening music.
And who the Hell knows Hyakutaro Tsukumo, Shinji Hosoe, Ayako Saso, Yousuke Yasui, Manabu Namiki, Raphael Dyll, Koji Kondo, Hirokazu Tanaka, Kazumi Totaka, Shogo Sakai, Hiroaki Yoshida, Keishi Yonao, etc..?
Something that you hate?
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
commented on
Something that you hate?
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
When your parents think calling mental health emergencys and put you on antidepressants to calm you down is better than the real cause: the air conditioner is not on.