Confess how you feel

Animekid @animekid
Confess how you feel
Animekid @animekid
Got the idea from truths in the truth or dare thread. Here the point is to confess how your senpai makes you feel. Reacquited or unrequited how do they make you feel? What do you like about them? Mentioning names isn't necessary unless you care too.

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Confess how you feel
yaasshat @yaasshat
Well, I get to touch mine and sleep with her every night, there's that. She's a wonderful woman who truly shows that she cares. She's been consistent in that she has not changed in who or how she is since I first met her. She's excellent to be around whether in conversation or silence. She's non-argumentive and has never been one to have a negative attitude, or at least has never let me know if she does. She finds me sexy even if I truly don't understand why and she lets me know that she wants all of me. To make a long story short, I got lucky and hope it will be for a life time.
Also, she's not on here, so there's no need for a name.

Uninterested. @coffeelink
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Confess how you feel
Uninterested. @coffeelink
Scream at the top of my lungs.

The Pervy Otaku @simonlittlewolfwoman
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Confess how you feel
The Pervy Otaku @simonlittlewolfwoman
Mine is simple and sweet and caring he care enough to purpose to me and the first guy to ever make me feel truly anything for. He likes me for me and only me he doesn't wish for me to change and don't expect much from me except to be loyal and be there for him . He someone I can be a guy too and a girl too. Play video games show me my awful sides and ugliest side. He accepts me and I accept him all and everything. His flaws are the best part bout him it was make him perfect in my eyes. I love his mistakes he makes and how he get upset and how we laugh instead of argue. He has the power to laugh all my troubles away. Or if he smiles really brightly my knees start to wobble and my body gets really weak and my chest feels on fire...or perhaps that heart burn? Lol.. All I know is I'm married to him and I wish to always be in his life also..he told me even in death he won't take my family pictures down as some other woman replace him the walls and part of his heart will remain mine and it hard to get a man to truly said that and mean it. I believe looks are just an illusion to the eye. If you close them you might find someone extraordinary.^_^ Who know perhaps it will take people a few more complicated relationships to truly see the illusions of the eyes and settle down and be happy without that illusion. Trade an illusion of beauty perfection for pure happiness and sweet love is more than worth it I say.

Animekid @animekid
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Confess how you feel
Animekid @animekid
Okay I wasn't going to do this because I would have felt it seemed a little too self-serving or whatever but I was asked by a certain "someone" to do it. I apologize for what will probably be unorganized writing. I’m just writing it out as I go lol.
For me it's not a "senpai" but my "kouhai" that I have the feels for. My Kouhai is someone who's given me feelings I've never felt for someone before. She's gotten me to say and try things that I NEVER thought I would say or do before. Most of them are small things but still they are things that I never thought I would do but I end up doing just for/because of her. Each day I look forward to texting her, to hearing her voice and talking with her. When I go to sleep I don't want to because if I'm talking with her than that means the conversation is over, even if I’m drifting off to sleep I wish I could stay awake to talk with her more. Each morning the very first thing I think of is to check my phone to see if I have any message from her even if I know that she would be sleeping later than I would be and that there would be no reason to expect a message from her. Whenever I hear the “text message” sound from my phone I have a knee jerk reaction to check to see if it’s from her. I enjoy talking with her so much that I’ve lost a good bit of sleep over it. I won’t say “how” much but I’ll say that it’s a bit haha. At the same time though I don’t regret a single moment of it. Even that time that in a 48 hour time period I only slept 4 hours and had to go to work, I didn’t regret the time spent with her for a moment.
I can’t believe just how much fun I always have talking with her. If before I met her, someone told me that I would meet someone and talk with them for hours on end, even to the extent of 8+ hours straight and still continue doing so almost every night, I wouldn’t have believed a word of it. How could I continue talking without losing interest night after night for such insane length of time? Yet here I am. Baffled and amazed, in fact I kind of want to try and hurry through this to talk with her right now lmao. There’s so much for me to like about her. Sometimes it seems that she has a hard time taking complements to heart but I absolutely love her voice. I’ve listened to her sing a number of different songs and I love hearing her sing all the time. Even when she isn’t singing and she’s just speaking I love the sound of her voice. All the different intonations are so cute as well as other things that I won’t go into here lol. I also never would have thought that I would find myself just staring into someone’s eyes just because I wanted to look into their eyes. I don’t know what it is but sometimes when we’re video skyping I just find myself looking into her eyes for no reason other than I just enjoy doing so. I love how we share so many things in common. Granted, we are on an anime site but still, anime, video games, both romantics, we even like a TON of the same music even to some kind of unusual choices for bands that end up all over the musical spectrum.
She is also so very kind and patient. She puts up with so much of my stupid crap lol. I mean she really puts up with WAY more than she should allow me to get away with XD She always seems to be/have been so patient with me and has withheld any judgment from a number of things I’ve said or maybe have done(though a couple times I’ve wondered if it’s not that she’s literally withheld judgement and just didn’t say anything lmao). I love her kindness and her gentle side though I do feel a little worried that sometimes she’s a little to kind for her own good and that she sometimes ends up hurting herself unnecessarily because of it but that just part of what makes this awesome person who she is. I’m also just flat out amazed that she likes someone like me haha. I can’t really fathom it but it makes me so happy. She always lights up my days and is usually the very best part of my day. She’s a really amazing girl who’s had to live through so much crap that I can’t even begin to imagine what it must have been like for her and yet even with all that adversity (which fails to even come close to accurately describing what she’s been through) she’s still managed to come out on the other side as such an amazing person. I’ve even wondered if the reason I just so happened to check out the forums here again, and to become active again, wasn’t just so that I could have the chance to meet her. I’ve laughed because of her, I’ve had a great time because of her, I’ve even (and I’m quite embarrassed to say this) cried because of her which is something that I haven’t done in literal years. She just seems to bring out so much in me that I wouldn’t have expected and she makes me want to be the better person for “her” that I’ve almost been too lazy to be or lacking too much ambition to care to even really try to be.
We haven’t met yet but I anxiously await the day that we do. My thoughts focus on her day in and day out(probably more than is productive lmao). It almost seems as if I’m constantly thinking of new ways to try and surprise her and put a smile on her face…..or embarrass the crap out of her lol. There are so many things that I want to show her and things that I want to do or surprise her with to try and make our first meeting memorable. I joined here thinking that I might find someone but probably not but I would probably make some friends anyway so I gave it a shot. I certainly made a number of friends but I never would have expected what I would have found here.

❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
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Confess how you feel
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
Hmm senpai A is nice and patient and fun to tease, he listens to other people's problems and has a great sixth sense. makes me feel safe and calm
Senpai B is blunt, very confident and sometimes can come off as a bit mean but he is a very good friend and will be there when u need him. Makes me feel relaxed and somewhat anyoyed
Senpai C she is very kind and sweet, and does not rage at all. She is basically like a little kitty
Mhmmm there is more...but it's such a pain to write them all. Makes me feel like I found someone on the same page

neeto @neet_one
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Confess how you feel
neeto @neet_one
I don't really have any senpai because I'm older than most people I know. There's plenty of people who have been on this site longer than me I guess but I don't really talk to most of them.

duck @jullyann
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Confess how you feel
duck @jullyann

Caleb of the cancer @caleb_williams
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Confess how you feel
Caleb of the cancer @caleb_williams
Um bacon who is the meme for XD

FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
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Confess how you feel
FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
If we're talking about in terms of age, then my friend is a senpai who is more like an annoying brother that i share cringe and cringy hentai with. hes older, but he makes rash and harsh judgments about people to the point i cant even approve.
But if i look at one i look up to, then my boss. He is very respectable and is a voice of reason in terms of professional, but when work hours are over, he always wants to go places and have fun while trying new things and making life a learning experience.
but these are senpais in terms of friends, not anything romantic.
I keep my senpai and my *hentai separate.
They dont give me the Dokis that food, horror and my partner gives me.
*hentai in this sentence meaning love life.
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