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Jacob @jacobl89
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The Pervy Otaku
Jacob @jacobl89
I feel attacked " daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmnnn people standards are tooo high your an otaku your standards shouldn't be high but, oh each his own"
Are you talking about physical standards or personality?

sadjester @sadjester
left a comment for
The Pervy Otaku
sadjester @sadjester
Thanks, hahaha. If it made you smile then I'm glad ;>)

115 @siruboo
left a comment for
The Pervy Otaku
115 @siruboo
mostly my eye hurts
Maiotaku suggestions

The Pervy Otaku @simonlittlewolfwoman
commented on
Maiotaku suggestions
The Pervy Otaku @simonlittlewolfwoman
Organize the anime list. Please there so many re-posted anime that I already clicked I watched I must have a bunch of the same anime on my list of anime. It needs to be clean.:( It's a huge stack mess in there.Like if I add AIR the next 8 pages or so would have air on it again and I would forget if I added it or not and click on it again.

The Pervy Otaku @simonlittlewolfwoman
commented on
The Pervy Otaku @simonlittlewolfwoman
No matter the arguments of it people will choose what they want and believe.There is some threads on this already on debating and asking people what they are including if it should be legal or not.Plus, the debate on pro life/pro choice can be debated on over and over. It be a very long debate and arguments. Beating people in arguments on that type of debate will never end that type of debate. That debate can be everlasting.