2 things you love... or B(o)(o)bs

Veru @verucassault
2 things you love... or B(o)(o)bs
Veru @verucassault
I just did a search to see if there was already a thread about fake breasts/breasts implants and the only thing it yielded was Pensacola Con 2013... Don't know what that's about. Anyway, over the last few years it seems the trend for breasts has moved away from implants and more to the natural look. I see fake boobs now and think they look so foreign. I think this is a good thing. Being an artist that predominantly focuses on form and human anatomy/physiology I appreciate the natural look.
What is everyone else's thoughts on the subject?

neeto @neet_one
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2 things you love... or B(o)(o)bs
neeto @neet_one
Natural is indeed much better in my opinion. I know women can easily be embarrassed about their breast sizes but to have them sliced up and stuffed full of jello seems a bit extreme.
I prefer smaller chests sizes anyway. I think a lot of guys out there do in fact, but the media tries to convince women that all men only like huge boobs.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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2 things you love... or B(o)(o)bs
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
D:< fake oppai are bad i like all natural oppai i like any size oppai it doesnt matter. Girls Putting in fake breast breaks my heart UAU

♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82
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2 things you love... or B(o)(o)bs
♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82
I think natural looks better. I hate big fake ones where the skins all stretched and the veins are poping out :-S

robicho @robicho
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2 things you love... or B(o)(o)bs
robicho @robicho
Natural is always better. Going synthetic usually comes at a heavy cost to the body and is potentially damaging to the individual's overall mental status (consciously or/and subconsciously [and the possibility of one surgery being a slippery slope to fill never-ending dissatisfaction through more surgeries in some cases). Adding something to your body outside of your own natural efforts is a hollowed act that cheapens who you are as a person in my opinion.

yaasshat @yaasshat
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2 things you love... or B(o)(o)bs
yaasshat @yaasshat
I too like boobs.
Natural breasts always look better, in my opinion. I'm sorry, but breasts aren't meant to look so unnaturally perky and round. Natural beauty always trumps man made fakes. Also, natural breast size is going up, so there's that.;) I honestly have no preference on size, but I always seem to end up with a woman who's a D cup or bigger..almost got knocked out by E cups once.

JMCG @jmcg
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2 things you love... or B(o)(o)bs
JMCG @jmcg
I will never understand breast augmentation.
I wonder how many regret it when they learn whats its like to live with them

Jinsei @jinsei
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2 things you love... or B(o)(o)bs
Jinsei @jinsei
So is it a dislike of fake breasts or a dislike of fake looking breasts?

sugarbotan @sugarbotan
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2 things you love... or B(o)(o)bs
sugarbotan @sugarbotan
I definitely prefer natural, but I can understand why some want to get implants. I think as long as the girl does her research to get a good surgeon and gets breasts that are proportional to her body size, they can be ok. I have a friend who got some but didn't go overboard and they look nice. I know another girl who got some and they look unnatural.

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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2 things you love... or B(o)(o)bs
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
I'm pretty sure almost everyone prefers natural breasts the most - as do I. I like small boobs, medium boobs and big boobs and natural always looks so much better than augmented all the time. But I understand why women would want to augment their breasts - insecurities can make people do all kinds of crazy things to try and correct their personal issues. Fake breasts aren't a deal breaker for me like they are for a lot of people, as long as they look good and natural as possible it doesn't matter all that much to me. But of course, I must reiterate; I prefer natural much, much more.
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