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Sithik @sithik
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Sithik @sithik

niceguy6669 @niceguy6669
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niceguy6669 @niceguy6669
Are you awake darling?

Blueberrypie @blueberrypie
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Blueberrypie @blueberrypie
Oh sweet any online games and Freaking sweet hard enough to find someone who has even seen RedDwarf (one day il think that name and not here the theme music ..but this is not that day )and Black adder these days let alone likes them ..which is odd because there fucking awesome
glasgow 2016

JMCG @jmcg
glasgow 2016
JMCG @jmcg
So today was MCM comiccon in Glasgow. Or cleavagecon would of been more accurate, just a shout out to every body in the free hug patrol, we did gods work. And to everyone who took their free hugs with enthusiasm, especially the girl who tried to suffocate herself in my chest. I bought way to much crap lol
2 things you love... or B(o)(o)bs

JMCG @jmcg
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2 things you love... or B(o)(o)bs
JMCG @jmcg
I will never understand breast augmentation.
I wonder how many regret it when they learn whats its like to live with them