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Aug 21, 18 at 8:23am
lmao this post is so good, i laughed my ass off. I'm going to be honest though, this isn't a dating site anymore. I don't think anyone can get a girlfriend on here anymore- period. (and yes I said girlfriend on purpose, because only if a girl reaches out to a guy it's more likely to happen, at least for straight people) gonna give my own opinion: anime is finally mainstream, i hope it's even more mainstream in a couple years so i don't have to explain everytime that i like anime but i'm not a shut-in NEET. People on this forum are generally in a bad place or have been heart-broken and are looking for salvation, I don't think it's the way to go but I just tend to support people in need of help.
Aug 21, 18 at 8:49am
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Aug 21, 18 at 10:35am
Many users don't love themselves..How could they love another person?
115 @siruboo commented on Pathetic
Aug 21, 18 at 10:44am
how do you know you love yourself or others. im not the smartest goat in the tree
115 @siruboo commented on Pathetic
Aug 21, 18 at 10:53am
i mean i like people in general and i like myself. ive got nothing to lose though
If you don't know if you love yourself and wanna find out, here's how you do it. Don't eat or drink anything all day. Full 24 hours. Wait until those hunger pains kick in. When they do, either eat or starve yourself to death. If you eat, then at bare minimum you love yourself to not kill yourself via starvation. If you die then you don't and problem solved. Killing 2 birds with no Stone.
115 @siruboo commented on Pathetic
Aug 21, 18 at 11:27am
thats instinct to want to survive. ive gone weeks homelss with only a apple from the trees and water. i only wanted to die a few times
...so? You being homeless and wanting to die but not = you love yourself enough to find you some apples in the forest to eat. Instincts didn't kick in. Hunger pains did. You rather be alive than dead. You love yourself. Stop being pathetic.
Cero @cero commented on Pathetic
Aug 21, 18 at 12:05pm
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Aug 21, 18 at 12:18pm
People make it seem like it's pathetic for someone to show feelings or show weakness but what has happened to the world where if you show weakness someone will be there to pick you up and hold the hand out for you. Now it just seems like everybody is just out for themselves as if the law of the Jungle means to discard anybody who isn't going to pay you for a compliment or be beside you when things get tough.... I'm very old school and I learned that from my grandfather but I feel that that's a good thing and if that makes me pathetic then I rather be pathetic and a otaku than a pathetic excuse for a man that only wants to look at myself as number one.
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