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Oh shit... I remember this thread... fun times
Aug 27, 14 at 9:20pm
Read the first 2 posts. I agree. You're not supposed to be like this on a dating site o_o Surprised me when I first joined. May scare potential girlfriends away for them.
I think I need to have this thread pinned to the front of the website
Kichigai - I can understand where you are coming from. I have read many similar threads for years and they do all start looking the same, this one is no exception. The conversation does have to refresh from time to time to keep it in memory and focus LOL. I like MO because its not pressured to date and just puts everyone in a common sphere of interaction. Some do need the push however like match for instance forces people into talking to each other. This is a topic focused site so you have to take the target community in to consideration. I do not mean that as an insult. A little more structure would not hurt however. Online dating helps remove some of the barriers for shy or awkward people but can sometimes become a shell to hide in too. Profiles on any site are 3/4 of time accurate at best. You will often see threads looking for validations; is X better than X? how to find/make x like x, etc... While some of these can become pity parties as they are called, they can serve a healthy function too. One thing a forum allows is someone to test perceptions and values with peers when they could not in person otherwise. Sometimes that is all one needs to go forward with confidence because their peers agree. This also lets people discover they are not alone in their plights and can learn things to improve their own lives while sitting in their comfort zone. It can also instead lead to unhealthy further degradation of self-esteem and frustrations. If someone is too negative already then beat down by an outside force it leads to very dark places. Busting up the pity party is sometimes one in itself because they too have failed to achieve their goals if not careful. Forums are also a barometer to ones nature and demeanor.
Feb 25, 15 at 5:22am
I just get tired of all the bitching, and why cant things work out for me bullshit. Niggah you dont need a chick in your life to be happy. Go get a hobby or something I have never seen in my life, since I can remember(First Memory as a kid) a relationship working out. It has never happened. There is no perfect relationship, doesnt exist. Nope nada nothing. So dont be in such a hurry to be in one. They all end up the same. Stage 1: Nice shit(Couple is super cute with each other and kiss each others ass about everything) Stage 2: Sexy time Stage 3: ...And I lost interest in what I'm doing right now, so cutting this short. You guys can figure out the rest I need sleep
Mar 02, 15 at 6:29pm
I like the fact that this was brought up and wanna add my two cents into this massive pot: Confidence is key people everyone loves a confident, charismatic person take celebrities would you really be a fan of your fav. actor, singer, band if all they did was whine and cry all the time. I. THINK. NOT. People just gotta realize that you gotta be comfortable with yourself. My grandma told me one thing when I was 15 totally changed how i see things and it was "You may be a bigger guy, you may not have lots of money, or model looks but I'll tell you what a woman will take a man with a big heart capable of loving her and everything she is." There you go ponder on my ramblings.
There's a popular theory that states that the things people hate tend to be reflections of their selves. Can't help but to look at people's profiles and feel they're all the same. Tend to float around " I like anime and I'm shy". Nothing wrong with that, but show some empathy to the people who feel so down that they try and reach out to anyone, we've all been there
Oh great... Another passive aggressive one that didn't have the balls to say anything of substance. Really tired of having to coddle spoiled brats that think if they cry and wine enough someone will date them. Why the fuck would anyone wanna date someone who's in tears all the time? Stop crying. You look hideous. Grow some balls and practice talking to women instead of being thin skinned and getting your feelings hurt cause she said no. Rejection is part of the game. Don't like it? Then take yo punk ass offline and go play Final Fantasy or Go watch My Hero Academia.
115 @siruboo commented on Pathetic
Aug 20, 18 at 11:53pm
most people bitch because it gets you through bad times. people want to avoid emptiness and darkness if you are going through a very bad time. so dont post in places like here. i did that on another anime forum three years ago and got banned. 50% is darkness, theres some pretty to it. just watch black lake by bjork.
So glad at least some of you get it
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