Daddy BigBack @joemama711
Daddy BigBack @joemama711

Yuka King @yukachan
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Daddy BigBack
Yuka King @yukachan
Of course,:]

Yuka King @yukachan
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Daddy BigBack
Yuka King @yukachan
You doin good?

Daddy BigBack @joemama711
Daddy BigBack @joemama711
What game are you currently playing?

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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What game are you currently playing?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
The remake being cringe and stupid was all Sephiroth's doing.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Daddy BigBack
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Of course there are hot shot drivers that can make more than this, however it's the equivalent of that one guy you work with that tells you stories about when they were a bar tender and made $2k a night in tips.
You find out later they were tipping themselves out of the cash register, haha.
But in seriousness, most hot shot jobs are very risky especially if you mess up and crash a trailer with a dealership's load of luxury sports cars.

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 The amount of stress and time management must be rough honestly. I remember a instructor saying low boy trucks make a lot of money, usually cause they deliver animals and other Shakey things

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Daddy BigBack
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Showing everyone this, but I got a laugh when I showed up to work and saw there is a legit Umbrella trucking company. I know where my next career shift will be, haha!

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Haha that's hilarious, I will say Umbrella never had a check bounce for all the bullshit they buy. Of course the government is gonna fund them!

Daddy BigBack @joemama711
Daddy BigBack @joemama711
Waka waka

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Daddy BigBack
Gabriel @gabriel_true
How's your day?

Daddy BigBack @joemama711
Daddy BigBack @joemama711
Worth the 300+? XD or was it 500 I forgot
The 2023 Arc Training Montage

Arc @arc
commented on
The 2023 Arc Training Montage
Arc @arc
That 45lb adjustable dumbell set is AMAZING. I've decided to break up my workout into several small 5-10 minute lifting sessions with the dumbbells every day until I feel sore instead of one long, grueling one. I can finally effectively target my chest muscles, biceps, and triceps! However my grip strength is strained so I ordered some Lifting wrist bands to help with the strain and not injure my wrists. So far so good. My fingers are really the only bottleneck right now.

Arc @arc honestly if you can afford it, yes. It's very solid metal so it will last forever. It feels very balanced in my hands. I can do so many more workouts targeting specific muscles. Skullcrushers are really great with these

Arc @arc the reason I like these more than all other brands is that you can hold it literally any which way and no pins will slip out, nothing will be unbalanced. Legit the best workout equipment I ever bought

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 Do you have your own workout area and bench or you make due with other stuff? Hopefully the pins stay intact forever

Arc @arc Right now I just make due with the rug in front of the tv and the couch. I actually use @verucassault 's LightEase Memory Foam Leg Support and Elevation Pillow from when she broke her leg and I rest my head on it to elevate it to watch TV while I'm pumping iron. I'd like to have a workout bench but I think I need to get rid of the big-ass couch the previous home owners left up there first to make room.

Daddy BigBack @joemama711
Daddy BigBack @joemama711
Do you have a dash cam for extra evidence?

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I gotta fight my company over an accusation of speeding. Our trucks have a built in GPS that is supposed to know what an actual limit is for any given road, however today I went about 40 miles down a highway that's posted limit was 55.
The computer on the other hand said it was 45.
So I've been accused of speeding that entire drive.
I hope they enjoy pictures from the truck's camera snapping photos of every state trooper and road sign I passed that SHOULD prove I am innocent.

Gabriel @gabriel_true We do. However my company has a habit of still punishing drivers regardless.

Daddy BigBack @joemama711 That's dumb, do they also push/have front facing cameras?

Gabriel @gabriel_true Yes