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Last online over 1 year ago
Chicago Heights, IL
May 13, 18 at 11:46am
Not the response I was expecting. *pretends to put on a dull act* life is life. That's all. My cat is always wanting outside now. Even at night.
May 13, 18 at 9:16am
YO. Hiya man. :p
Seriously...can you guys(who only ever comment on female profiles) just please say SOMETHING BESIDES HI?? It's always hi, hello, or some variation therein. It is so friggen boring and monotonous. I can't even imagine how their pms must look. Word of advice, if you are approaching someone then don't immediately put the onus on them to make the conversation interesting. Because if ya just say the same thing as every other dude then you just become a part of the collective group of generic same-guy types. More to the point you're filling my feed with it. Stop it ... Right now
BurningHalo @burninghalo Ohhh that burns my halo >.<
Lamby @momoichi left a comment for BurningHalo
May 12, 18 at 8:22pm
ok listen the thing is this isnt the last we'll see of pink diamond, there are still so much left to explore and discover with her character. yes, shes a liar, but theres such a thing as "the noble lie" and i think thats what shes done imagine if she didnt hide her identity gems like bismuth never would have joined their cause, it would just be another diamond authority figure they recruited other gems from other diamonds because it was what they thought was just a lowly quartz, not another diamond
Nobody @muffster left a comment for BurningHalo
May 12, 18 at 1:22am
This account has been suspended.
BurningHalo @burninghalo Sweet heavens...
Suichi @suichi left a comment for BurningHalo
May 11, 18 at 6:50pm
I'm sort of a pro lurker xD I always see quite a lot of people here and it seems like there are quite a few who go unnoticed. It's my own fault for that though lol. That's good, it's what I normally do when stressing or want to just get out of the house besides work. I live out in the middle of nowhere with a lot of trees so it's quite relaxing.
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for BurningHalo
May 11, 18 at 4:25pm
Aaaw, schucks. https://78.media.tumblr.com/7eb18673a7069d8a2ec82c1d1000d6e6/tumblr_inline_nqinveviL31t37wbl_500.gif
Suichi @suichi left a comment for BurningHalo
May 11, 18 at 4:17pm
Sounds good, I'm off today so I am relaxing right now. I've been on MO for about 3 years now, but hardly socialize here lol. Every once in a while I reach out to talk to folks.
Suichi @suichi left a comment for BurningHalo
May 11, 18 at 3:12pm
Not much bro, how about you?
neeto @neet_one left a comment for BurningHalo
May 11, 18 at 2:51pm
Heh, I see you caught that. Welp, don't worry about it. Just more dumb venting and junk, I'll get over it soon enough. Thanks though. Chill days are great, and that sounds like a nice gift. Seems she has a great son. Really puts the plushy and dinner I got mine to shame lol.