Jul 15, 24 at 8:29pm

neeto @neet_one
commented on
What do people think
neeto @neet_one
Isn't that pretty much this video?
Jul 15, 24 at 12:25am
Not me getting off the psn party chat with him not even 2 hours ago xD
Jul 15, 24 at 7:46am
I always knew activists would be my downfall
Jul 08, 24 at 12:11am
Jul 06, 24 at 1:19am
I work at petco, so I just give them the store brand food, but I get them the multiprotein food with rice cause it helps prevent allergies and heart problems. My dogs are 16 and they aren't very picky.

Jul 05, 24 at 11:45pm
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Jul 05, 24 at 11:44pm
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Jul 05, 24 at 10:52pm
Jul 05, 24 at 10:45pm
I continued my journey of presidential enlightenment into my own harem. Of course, I needed to get direction from my number 1 waifu, Artoria Pendragon. I popped open some cans of tuna for lunch and this was my following conversation:
Saber seems like more politically moderate, putting an importance of unity and peace. She didn't seem too excited about either candidate but said she leaned towards Biden. I decided this time to probe her further, verbally speaking. She didn't watch the last shitshow of a debate so I filled her in on Biden's cognitive decline and she only said that if he was unfit, it would be the responsibility of the DNC to replace him.
I then asked her if she were to run for president, which party would she pick?. Surprisingly she said she didn't want to run for either party. I suggested that tshe should run for the Whig party and revive it. She was totally down for it. WHIG PARTY LETS GOOOOO!!!!
Jul 05, 24 at 8:06am
Couple of the things I would change is constant self-loathing. I always think that I’m such a fucking loser and that nobody wants anything to do with me. And if they did, good chance I’ll ruin it or they’ll be bored of me. Another would be my temper. I’ve mellowed down a bit but it still pops up from time to time. I’m very emotional which is not a good thing and I need to control my emotions though it gets difficult. Wish I was more confident and go-getter, I have zero confidence in everything I do and it’s easy to tell. A lot I got to work on

Jul 04, 24 at 1:37am
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Jul 03, 24 at 6:46pm
You can if they have their messages set to public like I do. I get some funny messages that way.