There should be a game section
tsuruo @tsuruo
There should be a game section
tsuruo @tsuruo
I know this is a place to make friends but hear me out... :P
what if you could have a friendly competition with like some games and have a ranking board only locally through this website's database?
Now the question is... which games should we have? maybe a simple rock paper scissors where you can bet points maybe the heart thingy.
But also make the amount of times one can play the game in moderation so something like a 30 second timer to prevent someone spamming the gaming. Also maybe something to check if someone isn't using the website on a different browser but is still using the local host to prevent rigging the game itself :D
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk :P
tsuruo @tsuruo
commented on
There should be a game section
tsuruo @tsuruo
oh I thought the enter key was how to do a line break ;-;
</br> is it like this?
gaetanokutch @gaetanokutch
commented on
There should be a game section
gaetanokutch @gaetanokutch
Your mom doesn't always need a grand gesture to show her just how much you love her.
Xelbraig @gabriel_true
commented on
There should be a game section
Xelbraig @gabriel_true
You know who else doesn't need a grand gesture to show her how much you love her?
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