Is the user before you your anime hero, villain, or eternal rival?

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Is the user before you your anime hero, villain, or eternal rival?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
The game is to say whether you believe the last person to post on this thread is a hero, villain, or a reoccurring rival that helps or challenges you in some fashion!
Try to come up with a response that details why you feel this way about the other person. You could also list what heroic or villainous traits that person has or if they are a rival you could say why they challenge you to improve or overcome specific aspects of your own character!
You can also post a brief summary of yourself to help give the next person something to go off if they never met you.
For example: Favorite Hobby/Favorite Anime and Character/Life Goal or Accomplishments/ Do You Travel/ Are You pessimistic or optimistic/ Do You Go With The Flow Or Challenge Society's Current Values/ Do you give willingly to those in need or ask for something in return/ Do you value others or yourself most/ Are you logic based or emotional when making decisions?

Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
commented on
Is the user before you your anime hero, villain, or eternal rival?
Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
Lets get this party started.... Rival turned villain.
Why you ask? Because he dares question my choice and then wants me to come up with a detailed response as to why I feel that way. Only a rival would do that. And a villain for wanting us to mono-log about ourselves. I see a very devious plan at work there.
Now on to my mono-logging.... My life goal is to live long enough to take a shuttle off this rock. My accomplishments are surviving life this long with all my limbs intact. I travel frequently... to the fridge and back again. And I find it's hard to challenge society's values when your society doesn't seem to have any. I only give willingly to friends in need. I value friends more than myself. Others not so much, because other are far too often idiots. Scarily so, if my work place is any measure of the world's smart person to idiot ratio. Also I'm very logic based, until she gets emotional, then I'm just an a-hole.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
commented on
Is the user before you your anime hero, villain, or eternal rival?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
He's a hero more on the cynical side, which leads people into thinking he's not really a hero or more so a vigilante. Why? Because I said so, never interacted with this lovely gent before, so I pulled something random out of my not-so-magic hat.
My monologue is I like to imagine myself as not a hero, but just a regular citizen who tries to live her life to the best of her abilities. My goal is to spread as much love as I can while I'm alive and help those less fortunate as I know what it's like to go through that. I want to hand out as many warm hugs as possible and heal the people one simple yet sincere "I love you" at a time XD. Oh! I also want to travel the world and see as many beautiful things as possible and enjoy so many foods (but much like my life irl sometimes) trouble manages to follow me while going about my day which is how I run into Mr. Hero above me. I secretly have an underground fighting ring--no, I'm joking about that part HA, HA, HA! I don't know if I'm a full blown optimistic? Not to the point of it being toxic, but I have my own personal reasons for wanting to look at the brighter side of things, though I don't push that on anyone else.
I tend to go with life's flow, in the sense of I can't help certain things that happen and so I get up after falling down, BUT, I love standing up for what's right if I can despite what others think...something I've done since a child lol. Definitely give willingly! I actually might have a bit of a flaw with treasuring others more than myself lol. I like to think I can be both logical and emotional? I definitely am an empathetic/sympathetic person towards others, but I also pride thinking about situations and solutions before I say or do anything, it doesn't matter how strongly I feel about it.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Is the user before you your anime hero, villain, or eternal rival?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I feel @wei_ying is a hero for most people. Though she is a villain towards herself at times, Rose appears to go beyond the call of duty for others. She is thoughtful as well as uplifting when dealing with others. Perhaps not a perfect person, but the best heroes never are!
As for myself I am a western otaku that has traveled around a bit, but never out of the country. Been to many different States in the US though. My ambition is to live comfortably enough not to worry and be a better servant of Christ. Still improving on that and I know I have a long road ahead!
When asked if I am optimistic or pessimistic I say I'm realistic. Realism doesn't squash hope nor does it discourage criticism of one's current state. It accepts things as presented and seeks improvement through logical means.
In regards to valuing people and giving freely I know others are very important to me. They are part of my world in some form. Even strangers influence me in some capacity. Therefore we are indeed connected. God gives to me freely so I don't try to hang on to things others may benefit from. Especially if it's something I could personally afford to part with. That said sometimes I am selfish. I don't always give even when I could. In that way I may very well be evil.
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