Dec 28, 24 at 9:02pm

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Happy Hanukkah
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Dec 28, 24 at 5:59pm

Dec 26, 24 at 9:38pm
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Dec 26, 24 at 9:10am
Then make a day 25 and keep going!
Dec 25, 24 at 6:43pm
I'm grateful to Christ and the Heavenly Father for what they represent as a foundation of living. Understanding that all things in this world is practice for our soul's growth and those that seek to improve show their fruit in ways that seem backwards to those invested only in what this world provides.
I pray I improve for the Lord's sake. He's invested heavily in me by ways I don't always appreciate yet continue to benefit from.
May Christ, The Father, and The Holy Spirit receive proper recognition for what is being developed on the other side of this life.

Dec 25, 24 at 5:34am
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Dec 23, 24 at 6:17pm
Kowloon Generic Romance
Dec 23, 24 at 10:44am
I hate watching things as they role out. I binge anime if I'm not watching with Arc.
One positive aspect of weekly releases is you are less likely to be spoiled on plots so long as the manga readers keep it zipped.
But, I don't watch things as they come out. Last thing was probably Bleach TYBW as it was simulcast dubbed.
Dec 22, 24 at 5:57pm
Day: [whatever] of my audition to be a VTuber XD

Dec 19, 24 at 10:30am
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Dec 19, 24 at 3:00am
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Dec 17, 24 at 12:30am
Around late evening sometime before midnight Felrein regained consciousness. Finding himself resting in a bed on the other side of the cabin. Curtains were drawn shut, but he could hear the floorboards creak with occasional footsteps.
Looking down at the bandages around his torso he could tell extensive work had been done treating his injuries. It was difficult to breathe at times feeling a deep burning sensation each time the flesh expanded and contracted. Even leaning upright was near impossible in his current state.
Weakly he called out for Winsloe. Not long did it take for the curtain to be pulled back revealing the doctor's wife with some clean water and additional medicine.
"It's a relief seeing you awake again, dear! My husband and I worried you were well on your way out of this life, but here you lay fully awake! Tell me what I can get to help with your recovery, young man."