When did Anime become 'weird' in society's eyes?

taylor1016 @taylor1016
When did Anime become 'weird' in society's eyes?
taylor1016 @taylor1016
Why is it that people label us as the weird kids? That people automatically assume that otaku stereotype? I just don't understand.

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
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When did Anime become 'weird' in society's eyes?
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
It human nature to know the unknown, because it can be scary if you dont know anything. Stereotype exist because of that need to label something and identify it.
It why you group people as those smart people, those lazy people because it help in identifying and you feel more in control with information

taylor1016 @taylor1016
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When did Anime become 'weird' in society's eyes?
taylor1016 @taylor1016
But it's not the unknown! Look at everyone on this site. People know what anime is, they choose to judge.

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
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When did Anime become 'weird' in society's eyes?
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
the people using the stereotype see this as an "unknown" we are the exception to the rule because we "know" Like how stereotype group understand the stereotype characteristic.
for example, If you watch anime you must listen to japanese music and like AND still don't understand a single word

talamar @talamar
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When did Anime become 'weird' in society's eyes?
talamar @talamar
It's not weird, it's taboo or used to be. Now is becoming more mainstream and accepted because of pop culture: ie shows like Big Bang Theory. But the reason it has such a stigma is because first off people hear Anime they think cartoons and that is kiddie so why is an adult watching cartoons, must be something wrong with them. Second is the rumors that all anime is hentai and you're getting off on 2d world as apposed to real life. People will always be a bit close minded.

The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
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When did Anime become 'weird' in society's eyes?
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
Its always been weird because its unknown. People outside Japan are just not used to it because its not infused in their culture or exposed that much. Anime will be a sub-culture through and through outside of Japan.
The thing you have to realize Taylor that those who come to the site, we come here because (other than finding love/friendship) we are also anime fans. Majority other people out there for Dating use other sites like OkCupid. The Normies (Normals) will not really accept Anime into their eyes as cool, etc. But it doesn't mean they don't mind it.
Region depends too, if you live in the city you will have a chance finding people who like anime in droves. Out here in the country area where I live its really freakin hard.

Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
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When did Anime become 'weird' in society's eyes?
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
Not everyone knows what anime is. I had a coworker who literally thought anime was just cartoon pron.
And my mom thinks that too, Talamar. "Why would a grownup watch cartoons? They should be living in the real world, not a childish fantasy." My anime are more philosophic than college courses, they are not childish.
Also, it's hard for people to understand Japanese culture and thus understand anime. Whenever I get someone that doesn't know anything about Japan to watch anime, they get really confused and think it's just childish nonsense.
And nobody get offended by this, but I love anime, and I am weird. I may not be the "weird" they define me as, but I am odd never the less. I expect everyone to think of me as such until they get to know me better*.
*Although I don't let them know about my hobbies and such until they've known me for a while

itzteknical @itzteknical
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When did Anime become 'weird' in society's eyes?
itzteknical @itzteknical
Yeah I believe anime is just unknown as well like I live in a city where it's all about drugs, sluts, and money so I'm around people who sell drugs, smoke weed, go clubbing, fuck hoes, and get into fights. Most my friends know I watch anime and it's cool with them and I would show them cool scenes or a certain anime where it's just makes say "wow thats freaking nuts."
People could get into anime but if their over 20 then it'll be hard to get someone into. We all probably watched anime as a child and just grew into. If other people would've watched TV n saw Naruto or DBZ, then the next step is to find the next new episode which would be in JPN language which could just make people say "fuck this," especially in my area.
We're the ones who love anime so let's just keep it because new people will come because Naruto, Bleach, Soul Eater, One Piece, DBZ and soon SAO will go to Toonami so watching anime in the future won't be as "weird" to people as it is now or in the past.

threewolves @threewolves
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When did Anime become 'weird' in society's eyes?
threewolves @threewolves
Like most have said, its cause most who don't know about anime, view it as cartoons for kids, like what they grew up with.
It is getting a bit better, due to somewhat of the better more adult superhero cartoons that are being produced in the states now adays. So its a little easier to explain.
Out of my close circle of friends, I am the only one who watches animes, and this is a group of friends who still play roleplaying games and such.
Honestly, though, doesnt bother me. Granted, being older than most here, I grew up when being a geek or nerd wasnt cool. :) So I got used to having most things I enjoyed, not being what everyone else enjoyed. So i am kind of enjoying the surge of geek culture becoming a little more mainstream and excepted.

Rou @roukuro
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When did Anime become 'weird' in society's eyes?
Rou @roukuro
Just an FYI for people who didnt know, anime and manga is still considered weird in japan too. Even though yes its more accepted its still weird and for a very good reason.
It started off as something western and very un-japanese.
in the story of Orihime and Hikoboshi (one of the older and more historically relevant variations), in japanese mythology, when they messed up their first marriage ceremony their children turned out looking like demons/youkai. But when they did it right the second time their kids came out fine.
In japan this set the ideas: that even the gods answered to a one absolute way and something was out of their power
This idea then led to the idea that if something or some method worked at all it was inherently correct and one with his absolute way and that it should not ever be changed even if it could objectively and provably be improved.
This idea got applied to Japanese culture as a whole way back then, which then created the culturally ingrained xenophobia and ethnocentrism we subtly see in many Japanese. Since then, anything that was not Japanese in spirit from the very core, was heavily heavily looked down upon and considered taboo.
the only reason why its becoming more accepted now is because each subsequent generation is starting to lose sight of this and think that Anime is culturally Japanese from the core.
To a lesser degree this is also why its weird here. Although not as strong, most countries and cultures have the same ethnocentrism. So therefore all the uncoolness and negative associations that came with anime came out of it being culturally different.
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