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Tales from the workplace

Alright, I'm back. Due to some oversight, I was assigned to work 8 days straight with no breaks, I ruptured my vocal cords through trying to injest a 5 hour energy which went straight into my lungs and caused me to cough for like 20 minutes straight, so my doctor gave me a note for three days off. Suffice to say, I've been mentally dead to the world. Couldn't even be bothered to check online sites. Alright, back to the meta narrative. So I had this strange encounter the other day. Yes, the Mandrill is still there, and no, the situation hasn't changed. So anyways, we're basically across the street from the career center, so we get all kinds of high schoolers flooding us right after they get out. Which is why I didn't question it when the traffic suddenly stopped rolling through, the parking lot turned all misty and foggy, and these two kids wearing old, musty clothes from the turn of the century come up to me. They were all like "Please sir, we have to get inside!" I was about to remind them that this was a public establishment, and they didn't need my permission, when the store manager tapped me on the shoulder and was like "Yeah, we don't serve those ones. Just shoo them away." I turned back to the kids, and they were really angry for some reason. Had these jet black eyes staring daggers into my soul. Shit inside the store started flying around. Even the Mandrill was noping out of there. They threw some kinda hissy fit, couldn't really understand the shawnee language, so I don't know what they were saying, but I just kinda closed the sliding door on them and waved them along. Fuckin locals, man.
Just out of curiosity....does the Mandrill have a name?
@verucassault No name so far, though there have been suggestions, such as Wendy and Double Dave. But those don't stick. So we default to calling it the Mandrill. If you have an idea, I could pitch it to the crew.
Call it Mandrake the Mandrill. Not the whole title, that's too long XD, but Mandrake sounds good to me.
Nah call him Mandark https://media1.tenor.com/m/2sALmBnd-pUAAAAC/evil-laugh-mandark.gif
Dial M for Monkey! @chocopyro
I would tell a story about a couple odd encounters while at work or that came as a direct result from an interaction related to the people I befriended there. However those stories have extremely twisted turns that only by God's grace did I ever make it out unscathed. Like Snaggletooth, I swiftly exited stage left and never turned back! For gossip's sake the clues I leave for you to piece together are (drug deal, animal masks, treasure chest, terrible Arnold Schwarzenegger impression, dinner party, hentai comics, college exams, and lastly Smash Bros Brawl.)
@gabriel_true Interesting. Could you elaborate on the terrible Arnold Schwarzenegger impression?
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