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Jun 25, 24 at 11:18pm
If you could create a law, anything you want, what would it be?
Jun 26, 24 at 5:37am
Tapioca. Make that crap illegal as hell.
Veru @verucassault commented on law
Jun 26, 24 at 6:35am
Viking funerals for everyone.
yaasshat @yaasshat commented on law
Jun 26, 24 at 12:38pm
Buuuuut... I want to donate my body to science, where I'll likely just be left to rot on a body farm or if I'm lucky, I'll be blown up or something. Vikings typically had very similar burial practices to how we do things now. Well, unless you got lucky enough to get buried with your boat.
Chocopyro @chocopyro commented on law
Jun 26, 24 at 7:39pm
Make it so that politicians can't accept money from super packs. I'm tired of mega corps, donors and private interest groups side stepping the real authority of the land. The American people!
Arc @arc commented on law
Jun 26, 24 at 9:22pm
If I could write any law, day 1 I'd write a law saying that I am the supreme ruler and I don't need the house or senate to pass new laws. This would allow me to pass laws that would effectively break up the oligarchy. I would start by making it illegal to have privately funded lobbyists. Popularity would rule. Lobbyists can crush any competition with money and buy votes easily so f^&k em. Everyone take a look at your paychecks for the last 3 years. Has it gone up with Wallmart stock, who is still "suffering" from "supply chain issues"? Funny they still haven't sorted that one out! Yes, our oligarchal society allows us to be the richest country in the world, but it's friggin killing the average person for how much they are squeezing us like slaves. Dude, I'd be so busy as supreme ruler. I can go on all day about shit I would change.
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