The Mandela Effect
Arc @arc
The Mandela Effect
Arc @arc
Anybody familiar with the Mandela effect?
What if we are remembering something from a parallel universe connected through the collective unconscious? Think of it as two shoots of bamboo that are connected through the same exact root system but look completely separate.
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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The Mandela Effect
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
yaasshat @yaasshat
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The Mandela Effect
yaasshat @yaasshat
Berenstain bears..... Enough said.
neeto @neet_one
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The Mandela Effect
neeto @neet_one
I always just assumed this 'effect' was simply people not having perfect memory.
DEAD ACCOUNT @hibarisan
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The Mandela Effect
DEAD ACCOUNT @hibarisan
For me used to thought that Meowth had an Ice Cream ver but nope only Gengar and Pikachu.
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
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The Mandela Effect
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
lol I'm with neeto on this. It's not some parallel universe or some subconscious 3rd eye. It's just simply shitty memory xD
If I remember putting my car keys on my table, but then actually found them in my freezer, it wasn't my doppelganger in a parallel universe inside a black hole.
Veru @verucassault
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The Mandela Effect
Veru @verucassault
I think the Mandala Effect is caused not just by faulty memory but also our ability to publicize and consume mass media. The Monopoly Guy doesn't have a monicle, yet people believe he did, as seen in Ace Ventura. The evil queen saying "Mirror, Mirror, on the wall" rather than "magic mirror"... Darth saying "Luke, I am your father.." rather than "No, I am your father". Just takes one person with a broad pop culture audience and a faulty memory.
This is not to dismiss theory on the Collective. I think there is something to archetypes, symbols, and stories that persist time immemorial, but the Mandala Effect isn't really a phenomenon to me since it's so easily explained.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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The Mandela Effect
yaasshat @yaasshat
Y'all think to much.
Anti-spyware @joemama711
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The Mandela Effect
Anti-spyware @joemama711
Remember when gas cost 2 dollars and mcdonalds was cheap, dollar a hashbrown or is that them trying to use the mandela effect and tell us we're wrong.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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The Mandela Effect
yaasshat @yaasshat
I mean... I remember seeing gas at 87ยข a gallon... Many moons ago....Sooooo... I prefer my old reality.
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