Pedophilia in anime

Arc @arc
Pedophilia in anime
Arc @arc
Do you guys ever get uncomfortable sometimes watching anime when you get hit with a pedo subplot? I've been watching Bakurano because I heard it was a soul-crushing anime. Mohiro Kitoh wrote it and he is a pretty well-renown mangaka who also worked on Evangelion. Now that I've seen it I've noticed most of his works contain disturbing sexual subplots, and a lot of them involve girls who just hit puberty.
It makes me think back recently when Nobuhiro Watsuki, creator of Ruroni Kenshin was revealed to be a pedophile. How do you guys feel about this subject? Separate the art from the artist? Or does it ruin the anime for you?

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Pedophilia in anime
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
At this point i ignore it. The whole loli sub category has been injected into so many anime at this point. And that almost all the characters are at highschool level. But itbisnt just anime western items also sexualize children just look at dan Schneider.

ゼム @umi_nezumi
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Pedophilia in anime
ゼム @umi_nezumi
No, not particularly. It's difficult to actually disturb me though. I actually find darker themes to be intriguing if they contribute in a meaningful way to a character or story. Now if someone were to walk in on me watching something during these moments I'd probably feel uncomfortable. But that's for a different reason.

Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
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Pedophilia in anime
Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
Lol, watch Kodomo no Jikan or Kissxsis, way worse than anything most people get bothered by. But no, I'm used to it for a long time now. It's anime, its imaginary. People get tortured and slaughtered in anime constantly, nobody bats an eye. But you have any sexuality with someone under 18 and everyone freaks out. Murder is way worse than underage sexuality so anyone bringing up issues with that but ignoring way worse violence is illogical imo. My opinion is generally "If you don't like it, don't watch it."

Arc @arc
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Pedophilia in anime
Arc @arc
I've watched Kodomo no Jikan from a suggestion on this site years ago. Not that bad, really. I watched the whole series. Boku no Pico, that scarring anime, was way worse, but it was so bad and outside of reality that it was actually expected.
I find Bakurano to be an interesting work. If you guys are not familiar with Mohiro Kitoh's works, they typically center around very dark subjects centered around middle-school aged characters and abuse. I think Kitoh had an abusive childhood with bullies and writing is an outlet for him. But man, it's taxing to watch any of his works because it's heavy.
Roroni Kenshin's writer, who is an actual pedo, never really so much as hinted it in his works. I was very shocked when I heard the news. I still think the Samurai X movie was a masterpiece. I also found out how horrible Ren and Stimpy's creator was for grooming an underage teen and being an overall narcissistic, horrible person to work with. I really loved Ren and Stimpy as a kid so I feel some real conflict trying to separate the art from the artist. It just really sucks that people you looked up to as a kid just let you down.

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Pedophilia in anime
yaasshat @yaasshat
Two people trying to justify underage sexuality. Noice.

Rei @reisenpai66
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Pedophilia in anime
Rei @reisenpai66
>People thinking loli and pedo are the same thing.
wew boy. Thats like calling kemono shit furry.
Kodomo no jikan was ok but ive liked ro-kyu-bu, tenshi no 3p, etc.

Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
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Pedophilia in anime
Audio-senpai @audiosenpai
There's a difference between teenagers discovering their sexuality and trying to market towards harmful behaviors.

foxywhite @foxywhite
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Pedophilia in anime
foxywhite @foxywhite
Amma say. I dont mind much the usual loli,teen senario of dating someone older as long as they truly love each others.
But there is actually some of thoses awful pedophile who are just ew and it feels truly awful and I just skip.
Love is love, but some are just way overboard
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