Political rants

secretagentboi @secretagentboi
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Political rants
secretagentboi @secretagentboi
Can't wait for him to thank the Azerasians again

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
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Political rants
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
Baby Herman (ESTP, same as Donald J. Trump)
Judge Doom (INTJ, same as Elon Musk)
Eddie Valiant (ISTP, same as Snoop Dogg)

Arc @arc
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Political rants
Arc @arc
Yeah if I was a betting man I'd say Trump is going to win this election. Kamala performed pretty badly on her last interview with Brett Baier. He grilled her on questions it it seemed to put her on her back foot, and it's now reflecting in the polls. Honestly, I'm surprised she agreed to an interview with a really conservative guy.
I'm checking out the comments on different news sites covering the interview and so many people are railing against Kamala.
Here's what I think. Inflation. Skyrocketed. Housing costs. Skyrocketed. Income growth. Stagnant. 2 huge global conflicts started. From my point of view, you can't run your entire campaigned fueled only by hatred of Trump. Biden presidency is in the top 3 highest inflation presidencies in HISTORY. No way am I going to vote for 4 more years of the highest inflation growth that has ever happened in my lifetime, but other people may feel differently. Maybe they got more cash to burn. Let's see what happens at the polls.

Veru @verucassault
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Political rants
Veru @verucassault
As someone who regularly watches JRE it's freaking bizarre to think both of them might go on. Would still be better than any other format they have done. Better than the debates. He should make them commit to a minimum 3 hr podcast. Wear them down.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Political rants
Gabriel @gabriel_true
When the joke becomes real, hehe!
Now I can officially call him President Ronald McDonald!
Real life has come full circle to the point of transforming itself into a South Park episode.

Veru @verucassault
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Political rants
Veru @verucassault
Sounds like Elon might be pressuring Rogan lol
On top of that Elon is now doing $1M drawings of registered voters in swing states, from now until the election, for people who sign his petition regarding 1st and 2nd Amendments.

Aka-san @redhawk
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Political rants
Aka-san @redhawk

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Political rants
Chocopyro @chocopyro
I don't see what the big deal is, they gave him the easiest job there. Dude wouldn't last five seconds on back cash.

Veru @verucassault
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Political rants
Veru @verucassault

willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
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Political rants
willworkforisekai @willworkforisekai
It was so sad seeing such a promising empowering statement such as being awake be mishandled and weaponized against the population so that they would fear what could of ultimately been a uniting and pivotal statement in time. Now wokeness has soft locked the real meaning behind being awake and it will be lost, forgotten, and hated for who knows how long. Due to not even a partial loyalty to the upheld sphere of influence when holding the reins. I think there goal was to see through all absurdities and correct them. I agree with that but what I don't agree with is when people don't take their flaws seriously while being in the reins. Everyone cherishs there ability to see through absurdities but not everyone has proper grounding to maximize for stability. Most are just seeing through what they hate to come up with a alternative that pleases them. They chose there frivolous ideas over being vigilant & receptive to what could maximize stability for the whole because they love them selves rather than there fellow man. When they could maximizing stability in a way where there idea comes as a natural next step rather than a misalignment to the structure of things. I'm all for seeing through absurdities but not at the cost of misaligning the structure. We only got so many blocks to work with. People aren't gonna wanna see those blocks again because of how hard it made things and how it didn't fit. The left wasn't careful enough considering the amount of good blocks they had. Which makes me sad. To me being awake meant using human reason to achieve progress for the benefit of the human race. But, reason is lost in what they call wokness. And, I know those above us are happy that being awake is now a shameful term. I do know there are alot of blocks in our structure that need to be replaced for stability and sanity sake. The ones that hinder human reason from progressing pass the state of we so cooked so why bother why change it why think of alternatives. I want those blocks to be examined aswell but with great heed to the hard truths of the world and a main focus on stability. The left wants to live there ideal future so they don't pay no heed to demanding hard truths because they require a restriction to there thinking. The left is under the assumption that everything is bogging them down so freedom from it must be the correct answer. But, there just leaving behind demanding hard truths, time tested values, and stable and grounded assumptions. They do the thing all fresh minds do when freshly awakened to absurdities. They scatter shot. Meaning they become all over the place because there is no emphasis on restriction or loyalty which is very dangerous because of the structural integrity. You can't build if you just randomly placing blocks hoping they will work. The left is filled with youth with overstated morals and there values have not stood the test of time. They also have no loyalty to demanding truths and stability because it blocks there ideal future. I would blame them. But, it's just evolution. No one was there to tell em not to scatter shot and that newly found awareness has a responsibility to the future and the past. But, everyone is selfish. I agree with there goal but not how they went about it. Somethings were unimportant given the state of the country. The right on the other hand has a bunch of older folks with time tested values and morals. But, the thing about the right is they think they can stay inside this time impervious dollhouse that resembles the past forever. Which is impossible. More youth are coming and they gonna scatter shot. And, the ones after them will aswell. It's just the call of evolution. You need the old heads and young heads together to form a stable future. But, the old heads can't keep up because there old why give af about new reasoning. Things should just go back to simpler times. The youth won't let the absurdities continue it will be this way forever they just are mislead because they young. The older generation don't give af about absurdities they old it's the way it's always been. Plus they have no will to change the future because they enjoyed the past. If you could mix the old folks on the right with the youth of the left the future could probably be good.
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