In Search of Athletic Otaku

sparkforces @sparkforces
In Search of Athletic Otaku
sparkforces @sparkforces
Hello, I'm looking for a relationship. The guys on my college campus just aren't working out. I've tried Tinder, Bumble, basically all the dating apps and it has not been working. I am looking for a male that "I find attractive" between ages 20-26 who loves anime, and is in shape (Doesn't need cheese grater abs -_-). I have high standards so hit me with your best shot! ^_^ ~

ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
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In Search of Athletic Otaku
ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
Bump. C'mon boys don't be shy. ;) Have a go.

Mai Bro @ragdeviii
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In Search of Athletic Otaku
Mai Bro @ragdeviii
Welcome Maifriend to this site. You could go to the "post sexy pics of yourself" forum there is a guy with abs there he might be the type of dude your looking for. Wish you luck^^

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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In Search of Athletic Otaku
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Oh yeah! Randoms is really nice!

Johannes @yestotally
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In Search of Athletic Otaku
Johannes @yestotally
yes that's me but i deleted the picture :) + im not 20, im 18

Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
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In Search of Athletic Otaku
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
Pop out those abs and you might win her without the age limit. Idk if there are many people who has those lumpy abs that are active on here.

Mai Bro @ragdeviii
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In Search of Athletic Otaku
Mai Bro @ragdeviii
I have abs too, but not as great like Johannes^^ I sense you two could hit it off
I also wouldn't want a girl to just like me for my body.

Johannes @yestotally
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In Search of Athletic Otaku
Johannes @yestotally
same :p but honestly i need to work out more. i only have abs cause i do lifting work but my body looks kinda deformed imo XD i'm not that large, im 70kg and 184~cm. i don't mind being this light, but the thing i'm worried about is that my body is not "even". my muscles are kind of all over the place

Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
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In Search of Athletic Otaku
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
If people date for looks alone then they won't last cuz the other will eventually leave once the looks starts fading away.

Lishifu @hakutaku
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In Search of Athletic Otaku
Lishifu @hakutaku
I think that user will get disappointed and leave this website soon, because she will probably receive dms sent by desperate guys who aren’t athletic.
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