
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
I feel the recent uprising in the LGBT community will bring other issues to light. Pedophilia and beastialty uprising i feel will follow after, if not now then somewhere down the line. Here is why i feel this way:
Pedophilia is illegal as we all know. For those of us who are normal, this is a disgusting topic. But as you know so was gay marriage back in the day. People played this off to be well "you cant help what you are attracted to" this argument will also be used. Pedophillia has been popping up VERY frequently as you all can see. Between accusations of the pope, to michael jackson, Popular youtubers and the like.
What does any of this have to do with the LGBT? Nothing and everything at the same time. Its a simple matter of if they can do it why cant we. Marrying people who are 12 years old when you are like 20+ was something once done back in the old days. As we all know history repeats itself. I can see us going down this path the same way we have with gay marriage and sjw protesting. People arent open to it now but the same way people werent open to gay marriage in the 1900's this newer generation has been pushing for it.
The same can be said for beastiality, albiet harder to deal with because i dont think you have any way to know if an animal can give consent. I dont think anyone talks about this because they dont want to upset people but like i really think these things are possible in the future. May god help us all when that time comes though.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Note: i am not blamimg the LGBT for anything. Just throwing this out there. Its mainly just to shed light on what may happen.

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
I'll be honest when I say this is 100% been on my mind due to recent events. All this pushing for equality is making some blind to what may follow after. It may be 100 years from now or 200 years, but eventually some idiot is gonna make a push for pedophilia and beastiality.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
I whole heartedly agree, it seems crazy now but it wont seem as crazy in the future. There are plenty of material for these people to argue on. I feel as a society we have grown soft and just allow anything to happen as long as it doesnt piss off people. Like adding homosexual character in ALMOST EVERY VIDEO GAME like really why did they need to announce soldier 76 from overwatch was gay? He is a freaking video game character. This whole inclusion thing is getting out of hand and soon everything will seem normal. Not blaming any specific community for anything. Just saying when you give people an inch they take a mile. We gave them an inch and soon someone is gonna want a mile

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
For a second I thought Panda was gonna start a war against the LGBT lol

pompudding @pompudding
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pompudding @pompudding
but,,, shouldn’t it not even matter if the charcter is gay or not? You could make the same statement but reversed: he’s a video game character, who cares if he’s gay. It really doesn’t hurt anyone to causally change a video game charcter’s sexuality because it literally doesn’t effect the mechics of the charcter at all.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
@pompudding it isnt a fact of why he is or isnt gay but why is the conversation even brought up? The game has nothing in it where the topic of sexuality should be brought up. I get lore and everything but why go out of your way to bring up the character being gay. Look at life is strange where you have the main character who would fall in love with the other girl and be lesbian. It makes sense there cuz the story included that. A casual shooter doesnt NEED to bring up a character being trans, gay or bi unless it had to do with the story. Its not even a matter of who is gay and who isnt. Just all this exposure to things will make other stuff come to light. You cant pull a block from the very bottom without expecting all the other ones to fall out
Edit: the point im trying to make is, they went out of their way to make this character gay. To appeal to the demographic who might have concerns about an all heterosexual whatever. People keep force feeding us this "equal rights" thing for the LGBT, eventually others are gonna want the samw

BurningHalo @burninghalo
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BurningHalo @burninghalo
Honestly I think it's more about representation dude. Like when I was starting cosplay I'd see a LOT of characters were light skinned and I could play them, but I wanted to see more that looked like me. I am not gay but I imagine its very similar. They want to feel included and want you to know they are included. Again it's speculation.
As for pedophiles and bestiality there is a clear difference that being CONSENT. An animal and a child cannot consent to sex.

Johannes @yestotally
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Johannes @yestotally
As someone who used to have pedophilic thoughts and jerked off to loli porn (the kind that was obviously children and not just a small character who's actually 18+), people don't understand pedophilia. (i used to have sexual thoughts about girls who were 4-5 when i was 16, which definitely counts as pedophilia)
Let me just say this: I will never do that again, jerking off to (at least that kind of) loli porn. But seriously. People don't understand pedophilia. People with pedophilia need serious help because it's not a choice what you're attracted to. You need to change yourself as a person to not like underage girls anymore.
Personal opinion about people with pedophilia: They shouldn't defend themselves and seek help, but I get (in a sense, ofcourse by far not everything) where they're coming from with "it's not a choice what you're attracted to". They are however just being very ignorant.
Then the soldier: 76 thing
That's pretty ignorant panda, they did not "announce" he was gay. It was part of the story. It's not being inclusive, it's called being accurate. If you look at the statistics, overwatch needs another LGBT character. I don't understand why you're so bothered with it. It's NORMAL. "It doesn't have anything to do with the game" WELL THEN DON'T READ THE F'N LORE. It's not inclusion, it's statistical accuracy. In fact, if you're so upset about it, you should've never bought the game in the first place. read: https://blizzardwatch.com/2015/11/07/overwatch-will-diverse-include-gay-characters/
I just want to repeat myself: I've talked to therapists and psychologists about pedophilia. I no longer have those thoughts. Treat me like a normal person, please.

Baka @reinhardt76
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Baka @reinhardt76
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