
ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
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ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
Back when human life spans were significantly shorter people had to get married and have kids as soon as possible. As soon as a girl had her first period she was sent off to be married or to a match maker if a husband wasn't already arranged. And that is still somewhat the mentality of countries where arranged marriages are common. To them women aren't given agency and if mom and dad say it's okay the age doesn't matter.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Its not ignorant cuz the point of this thread wasnt to bash the LGBT community. I have no problem with soldier 76 being gay. But the point of overwatch...the game overwatch not the overwatch lore. Its a casual shooter, There is no story mode, there is no player to npc interaction, there is no need to put it in a lore thst this specific character is gay. What does them being gay have to do with anything? Why point out "hey soldier 76 likes dudes" if its supposed to be a NORMAL thing then it doesnt need to be pointed out.. You get what im saying? Overwatch doesnt need another gay character, cuz a character being gay isnt going to progress the game in anyway. Just help with inclusion. Why do people feel the need to come out as gay to the whole world if its supposed to be normal. Its for attention. If you like dudes you like dudes. I knew a guy who was gay and he never told anyone cuz he didnt need to it wasnt anyone's business. But all this "making it normal" stuff is why people will see it as unfair. Why can the LGBT do this and i cant do that.
Edit: when you push for inclusion eventually everyone will want it. When you make pro-gay television, actors and celebs come out gay, teachingy pro-gay classes to children. You now stop making trans, bi and homosexuals look like the most shunned group. They were beaten up and everything before. I get why its good to fight for equal rights im not saying it a bad thing. But its just going to be a domino effect

Ghost @kuharido
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Ghost @kuharido
This should really be in the serious chat.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Ehhh true lol eventually this will be buried so it doesnt matter. I just wanted to throw this out there for a quick discussion

yaasshat @yaasshat
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yaasshat @yaasshat
Slippery slope, I agree, kind of.
I don't believe being truly gay is an actual choice. The brain and body chemistry are weird things that often get skewed. But, pedophilia? Nah, you chose that path. Going for an age range, that's more a choice than anything and tends to be more than just physical attraction. Going for children can be and often is about power/dominance.
As for accepting one will lead to accepting everything? Doubtful. Two consenting adults is way different than an animal or a child. Just my two(albeit short) cents.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
I can kinda see what you mean @yas im guessing its more about the physical attraction/dominance. I dont truly believe all people are like this though. Some may just be seriously messed up and sick. Then again idk the appeal uz im not them, same way i dont get the appeal of the other sexualities cuz im also not them. Though i cant completely rule out it might not happen. This generation maybe, the next generation maybe then. Eventually it will come full circle between a niche minority

ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
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ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
Groups are hardly ever the problem more than the people leading them. Most potitcal and social leaders are only in it for the power and are willing to placate vocal minorities to ensure victory. As a result more extreme beliefs get normalized.

redreaper33 @redreaper33
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redreaper33 @redreaper33
As for the random furry talk. No furry does not equate to bestiality. There are a very very small group of people who call themselves furries and would want to fuck an animal. Most furries are people dressing up in home made costumes and just drawing art.

ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
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ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
I think his problem has to do with people placing LGBT in media when he feels it isn't necessary. Sure overwatch can be enjoyed without the story elements but some people find they enhance the experience. Not everyone is going to enjoy the same things or even in the same way as you, and if it fits organically into the story then there's nothing wrong. I feel people need to have a discussion about quality over quantity when comes to representation, but to simply say "stop doing this" isn't gonna help and might actually make them more steadfast in their mistakes.

pompudding @pompudding
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pompudding @pompudding
@ BurningHalo
ok u right!! There’s obviously a difference between things like beasitality and Pedophila and lgbt becuase of consent. To compare these two things as the same is pretty ignorant and disrespectful.
but to summerize, there shouldn’t HAVE to be a storyline relating sexuality to include someone of the lgbt community. Imagine if you wanted to include a black charcter in your story/novel. You obviously don’t have to make the story about drugs or racial tension to include a black charcter. it sounds rediculous when you put it like this, but that’s how it feels when lgbt indivuals are deemed as “pandering”
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