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Any advice on whether to have children or not?

Children seem very nerve-wracking and hectic and I fear having a large audience at my own wedding due to even disturbing confidence from others as well as celebrating birthdays and Christmas parties while my hobbies will continue to die. Weddings and children are expensive as well. Any suggestions?
I mean, there isn't really a right answer. If you don't want them, don't. Maybe the opinions and plans change when there's a partner included, but that's it. Personally I don't really want kids. ewww kids
!Yeah. Children are expensive..Bringing them up costs not only money but also attention, care and energy! Raising a mentally healthy kid who is caring, smart, tolerant of her/his insecurities, confident, sensible is exceedingly difficult!! At times, parents themselves don't know how and when they traumatized their kids..*Sighs Couples may have kids when they are ready to be parents/caregivers/mentors.
True. Depending on who your wife is, how well you stay healthy, what your family history is like and where you live. But it is more complicated than all those mentioned above. It is risky on whether you wish for even one or none. If you go too early or wait too late, they might have certain problems such as a birth defect or a social disorder. If you cannot raise any pets well, then it's probably best not to raise any children. Not even by adopting.
So many people hate being born to this world!
Also,pregnancy and labor: a difficult task for most biological women. Those side effects resulted from changes of hormones + labor...*feels frightened! Many parents cannot sleep well at nights because infants need feeding and helping with defaecating every a few hours.
First, Weddings are only as expensive and crowded as you want. Second, Weddings aren't even necessary, unless you want one. Third, All focus WILL be more on the bride than the groom. Fourth, Just go to the justice of the peace and sign a paper to get married if a wedding ain't your thing. Cost? Not much more than $50. As for kids... Be financially prepared. Be able to take care of your wife/partner while they're recouping after birth (Bare minimum of six weeks, but probably a bit longer, like eight months and counting in my case.). Have good insurance or if you financially can't, there's at least medicade. Birth is very expensive, but on the bright side, they can't take you to jail over debt or take back your child. A newborn isn't very expensive. Baby clothes are pretty cheap, diapers won't kill you and even formula (If your wife/partner can't or won't be breastfeeding) isn't too bad, unless you're literally on minimum wage(It happens, not judging if you're giving it your all to provide and there's no shame in what kind of work you do.). As they get older, it definitely gets more expensive. Clothes, shoes, doctors visits and food definitely go up. The biggest thing is understanding that your priority in life is now providing for and raising a healthy/functional human being. That and, long nights with lots of crying, feeding every two hours, lots of bodily fluids of every sort being on you, enjoy the first poops...it gets very stinky once the bacteria finally sets up shop in their guts, you will panic as a new parent with every cry, sneeze or endless colicky cry, but fret not, you soon will get used to the routine and not be able to see a life without your child. Results may vary, but my life just wouldn't feel right without my son. I still look at him and think about how weird it is that I'm a dad and my wife is a mom, but I wouldn't change it no matter how difficult it may get. If you truly believe you don't want children, then I highly advise you against having one. It's so unfair to the children that have to endure rather than feel truly loved by their parents. I could add more, but only you know IF a child is something that you feel a deep desire to someday have or not. Search yourself, do introspection and talk with your partner before marriage is even on the table.
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Well, personally I like to think of children as much more than "just a burden" lol. Of course they are an expense, and no one enjoys cleaning up diapers and being woken up in the middle of the night, but I think most parents would say that the rewards of raising their own child and the experiences that come with it far outweigh the small inconveniences along the way. And surprisingly, not all women want weddings. I personally don't care for them. A friend of mine met a guy online towards the end of high school and ended up moving to Canada and they just signed the paperwork. Still happily married. Even with kids, they aren't going to break the bank as long as you have a steady job. My parents were both very poor, and I wore my brother's hand-me-down clothes for the longest time lol, we never got presents or toys except for Xmas and birthdays. I'm not gonna lie and say it wasn't a struggle, but when I look back on it I still think I had a pretty good childhood and we made things work.
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