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Any advice on whether to have children or not?

teach your children your hobbies, and share your hobbies with them. it will help them grow as well as keep your hobby alive and encourage bonding. Also not sure if its still a thing or not, but my mom told me once that the goverment gives you like $3000 a year if your kid is enrolled in school. could help with the cost of having one.
Travis, Closer to $2,000 and that's in your tax return. Not to mention, $2000 is just a drop in the bucket, even if it's a little help.
Well I think we should have kids b/c that's the way nature intended. Buuut if your mind says no, then that's fine too. Like everyone else has said, just be sure to be ready for that kid b/c a kid w/out parents or support is going to have a hell of a time growing up. Also you could always adopt kids of varying ages if you want to skip out on the crying phase or the puberty age. There's lots of options, such as fostering as well.
If you want kids have them, If you don't, Don't. Know if you have them, your life is no longer your own, and you'll need to put things you enjoy, up for them. They're expensive, and loud, and irritating. But they're also the most important thing in the world to you, so there's that. Find out you want them, or why you would rather than just waiting, or you may lose your chance to have them to begin with, or get heavily involved with someone who does want them or doesn't, to save you both some heartbreak. Whether it be for continuing your family line, the fact you enjoy being around them, powerful reproductive instincts or something else, decide why and if you want them, and only you can decide if you do. But don't have them for someone else, Whether it be parents or a lover. That's terrible for the child, and your own mental health.
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