Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I gotta fight my company over an accusation of speeding. Our trucks have a built in GPS that is supposed to know what an actual limit is for any given road, however today I went about 40 miles down a highway that's posted limit was 55.
The computer on the other hand said it was 45.
So I've been accused of speeding that entire drive.
I hope they enjoy pictures from the truck's camera snapping photos of every state trooper and road sign I passed that SHOULD prove I am innocent.
yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
yaasshat @yaasshat
Sometimes religion irks me. When my son, who's six, is crying because he's scared he's going to hell... That pisses me right off. That same stuff used to bother me as a kid, fear and believing because you're scared. I've explained as best I can that it's a personal journey that he must face and he has to choose what he believes (As best as that can be put in child friendly terms.). He believes since he believes in Jesus that he'll be ok, I told him that's what you need to believe then. Rationality isn't there at that age, but that fear is and man, I detest it.
Arc @arc
commented on
Arc @arc
Ah, it's a brand new year. I haven't griped about this yet. Ahem. Fuck Windows 11. That will be all.
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