Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency

Arc @arc
Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency
Arc @arc
A coupe of months ago when Bernie lost the primaries I was sure Hillary would win. Myself, I didn't support any candidate and could not being myself to vote for either one of them (voted independent)
In the debates, Clinton performed a lot better than trump and was seen to have won the debates.
The polls heavily favored Clinton all the way to election night.
But here I sit on election night seeing Trump get closer to his goal, Hillary supporters crying and I just think, 'wow, that is very interesting."
The way I see it, the country is going to be in deep shit, rather it be from a donkey or an elephant makes no difference. As much as I'm very concerned for what lies ahead of us, I can't help but gain a little satisfaction that Hillary has lost. Democrats were fools to choose her over Bernie. Get ready, folks. We are in for a bumpy ride.
What are your thoughts upon seeing that Trump is president?

Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
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Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency
Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
You know how when people go to a car race, supposedly they just want someone to win? But secretly they want to see a crazy messed up wreck because watching cars drive in a circle for hours gets boring. They don't really want people to get hurt but they just want some excitement. Trump is that wreck. But how bad will it be?

115 @siruboo
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Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency
115 @siruboo
the only thing I know about trump is he changed his last name. I think it was grump, I cant remember

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Yup, just yup and cancer.

[DERP] Napalm @napalmamaterasu
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Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency
[DERP] Napalm @napalmamaterasu
First and foremost I will admit I voted Trump. I've got quite a bit of thoughts generated from monitoring social media (primarily twitter and facebook).
1. Thank god its not Hillary
2. Fuck establishment politics - it has been ruining America for years
3. The political correctness crowd needs a gut check
4. Thank whatever (the Lord?) that the next 1-4 Supreme Court Justices won't be liberal (IMO they have way more questionable rulings - both in quantity and their logic/reasoning in their decisions but I don't have a great deal of data on this one .... Citizens United not withstanding)

Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
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Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency
Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
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PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
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Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
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Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
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Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency
Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
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115 @siruboo
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Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency
115 @siruboo
so the first lady president trump?

Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
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Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency
Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
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