Talk about someone you love/admire

PsychoMob~ @fistforthebros
Talk about someone you love/admire
PsychoMob~ @fistforthebros
Let's keep the positivity flowing! Without mentioning a name, talk about the person you love or admire the most! It can be a friend or family member, even a pet! I think it's good to state the things you love about that one special thing in your life . It'll make sure you never forget it! Lovers or people you're in a relationship with also count!

Wagen @ivo
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Talk about someone you love/admire
Wagen @ivo
I realized that I may have a cold heart because I can't think of anyone...

Deleted Account @mrskamui
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Talk about someone you love/admire
Deleted Account @mrskamui
I have quite a few people who I consider special, but I'll just mention a recent one.
I have a friend who I met online in the beginning of this year. We ended up getting very close in such a short amount of time. We had so much trust in one another and took care of one another (well mostly it was me scolding her to take care of herself haha). She's a very talented person. She can draw amazingly and her video edits are great. She's very kind and cares a lot about those she loves.
I miss her so much. Something happened that I can't really talk about so she is not able to communicate with me anymore. I really hope and pray that she is safe and well.

Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
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Talk about someone you love/admire
Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
This account has been suspended.

Caleb of the cancer @caleb_williams
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Talk about someone you love/admire
Caleb of the cancer @caleb_williams
i dont have any one to talk about due to them faking about there true selfs the whole time or being so absochely happy (whcih is a emotion i can never feel for some reasn) that i cant stand to be around them.

Yu @metaljester
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Talk about someone you love/admire
Yu @metaljester
Grandfather and as a role model early on it was Einstein and Nicola tesla
Later I moved to Michio Kaku among a few others.

115 @siruboo
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Talk about someone you love/admire
115 @siruboo
i want you to jump in my arms then ill through you in a pool because your so hot you need to cool off

Rain @rainx
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Talk about someone you love/admire
Rain @rainx
If we're talking on here, there are a few girls who I definitely think are cute, but none I'm really heads over heels for atm.

neeto @neet_one
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Talk about someone you love/admire
neeto @neet_one
There's one girl who's always had a special place in my heart and always will. Smart, beautiful, kind, and more. She's an embodiment of absolute perfection and I adore every single thing about her. From her beautiful eyes, lovely voice, and even her name. As far as I'm concerned her birthday is the biggest holiday of the year and the one I most look forward to. She's someone I could easily see spending every waking moment together with. After nearly a decade I still can't get enough of her or get her out of my mind.

dandaman @dantheman06
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Talk about someone you love/admire
dandaman @dantheman06
Hmm. Theres this sadist. She has that royal-esque air about her. This queen makes ya feel like ya hafta
bow and be honored to even lick her toenails. And the fact that i am writing this adoration without her
even commanding me is proof enough of dis. _____-Sama!!
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