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natsux777 @natsux777
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Deleted Account
natsux777 @natsux777
How are you?

Deleted Account @mrskamui
Deleted Account @mrskamui
I cannot wait for the cold season. I love the chilly weather and the holidays (even though I do not celebrate them xD )

hopsin99 @hopsin99
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Deleted Account
hopsin99 @hopsin99
Hi :)
Say one good thing about yourself!

Deleted Account @mrskamui
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Say one good thing about yourself!
Deleted Account @mrskamui
Shoot. This is a difficult thread for me...
Um.... I guess I like my hair. I'm the only one with curly hair in my family ^^
Talk about someone you love/admire

Deleted Account @mrskamui
commented on
Talk about someone you love/admire
Deleted Account @mrskamui
I have quite a few people who I consider special, but I'll just mention a recent one.
I have a friend who I met online in the beginning of this year. We ended up getting very close in such a short amount of time. We had so much trust in one another and took care of one another (well mostly it was me scolding her to take care of herself haha). She's a very talented person. She can draw amazingly and her video edits are great. She's very kind and cares a lot about those she loves.
I miss her so much. Something happened that I can't really talk about so she is not able to communicate with me anymore. I really hope and pray that she is safe and well.