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Friends with benefits?

Jul 14, 16 at 3:26am
https://scstylecaster.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/friends-with-benefits-rules2.jpg?w=800&h=450 What do you guys think about the idea of friends with benefits? Pros, cons? Comments? Anyone been in this kind of a relationship before? I have. Kind of. Maybe I'll tell the story another day. Anyways, share your opinions and stories with me.
Friends with benefits can be fun but only as long as both people are on the same page with regards to the relationship. Things can get awkward if one person develops feelings that aren't mutual. I have been in this kind of relationship and it was definitely fun for the most part. He would get jealous and get upset if I talked with other guys. I would of taken the next step with him but he never wanted to which I found odd since he got possessive over me. I didn't mind that he didn't want to date but the mixed signals were such a head fuck that I told him we had to stop it and move on.
I've never really had a friends with benefits but would be fine if I'm between relationships or just not having good luck finding anyone.
I feel it can be fine but if feelings start to appear then its probably best to end it there unless both people agreed thats what they wanted otherwise it would most likely break the friendship by awkwardness, other than that i dont see much of an issue with it.
Jul 14, 16 at 7:46am
I think it's probably okay for some people. I doubt I'd feel good about it, though. I'd feel like I was just using them to fill a hole that I'd rather have for someone I really cared about. It's similar to how I feel about one-night stands, which have left me feeling like that in the past. I also could easily see myself falling for them and wanting more. I can get a bit jealous too, although I tend to say nothing about it... it just kind of festers. I had one ex who loved to talk about how hot other guys were while we were together, and while I knew that there was no bad intent on her part, it would hit me like a knife sometimes; making me feel like I wasn't enough for her. Never really told her how much it bothered me, though; so I guess that one's on me.
i get attached easily so i cant do friends with benefits. im also very pervy if im in love with someone and i just cant think pervy thoughts if your my friend XD XD
^ I've seen her posts and I'm afraid of what her BDSM test results might be lmao
Tried it myself before, about just under two years ago - my friend suggested it and I decided to give it a go. She was pretty into it but I didn't really like it myself personally. Doing it with a friend just never felt right to me (As in I felt pretty much nothing from it) since I'm a romeo bastard and all that so I've never done it since. Anything sex related for me is reserved entirely for partners.
Jul 14, 16 at 12:50pm
^ I see it like that myself.
I have, was nice but the feelings thing comes up and if they want to date someone else then eventually you need to cut it off. Some people can't handle it :/
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