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Do you believe in a soulmate?

I do, part of it comes from my belief in a supreme architect. I think hat man can govern his destiny by his own free will, but that there are some things that are simply meant to be.
Feb 08, 16 at 10:28pm
Dunno, I'll let you know if I find one. As a more serious answer, I have nothing to prove or disprove that there are people who do have soulmates. Sometimes you need to put in a little effort to find someone you love, or sometimes it just happens naturally and falls out of the sky. I simply hope for the best for those looking for love.
I do. When you finally meet the true one that you just openly feel with no regret or doubt...that's a soulmate. Everyone has a soulmate. But its rare that they ever meet them. But I bet everyone has a soulmate before they were born. So yes. Soulmate is a real thing.
I do feel like there is a person out there that was made just for you and that will help in granting you true happiness (as happiness should come from yourself as well not solely from others). Sometimes though the relationship we want with that person isnt always the one we get. Sometimes you end up with someone that is good for you on certain levels, but that feeling inside is screaming that your real love is still out there. Ever watched "Best of me" or read the book? But at the end of the day its about whether that type of relationship was worth and how much happiness or memories it will bring you during your life.
I don't due to the fact most people avoid me or I avoid them due to the fact that i have been a loner most of my life.
I believe people have groups of soulmates, not just one person, we're in a world with over 7 billion people, with those odds most of our soulmates are from a different culture, across the worls, that dont speak our language, we each have an aura that attracts and rejects other aura's and each aura has that one aura they are meant for, their soul aura lol
Yes... but, mine passed away.
What the freak is that? They exist? Ive met my twin does that count? Someone having the exact same personality as you is quite disturbing. It drove me nuts within 3 weeks I mean the exact same stuff. You start to realize how annoying you are to yourself. Id rather have some one completely opposite but same interest. Where ever you are, some day. Just not now XD.
Sure why not. With so many people being out there on this planet it'd almost be nuts to think there isn't a perfect match for everyone, or at least for most people. That said you could go your whole life without meeting them, or something could happen to screw things up and come between you. Life's a bitch after all.
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