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Do you believe in a soulmate?

Feb 06, 16 at 10:48pm
or your friends mom, that would be ok if she was asian because they dont look as old
At one point I thought I did, but she left me for my friend...
oh man that stings
Here's a neat fact: You can not dream of anyone that you have not seen in real life. Every face you see in your dreams has been seen at some point by you. Also, the point of a soul mate is that they are intended for you and you are intended for them. It is fate that dictates you two WILL meet. Buuuut... Odds, sadly go against that seeing as there are more women than men world wide...unless there are just supposed to be more lesbians. You can love as many as you so wish, that's my thought.
Feb 07, 16 at 12:27am
you can see a pic of someone and text with them for years and you will have them in your dream for a little bit. its happenend to me a few times, noone here. havent been here long enough and dont know what people look like
No. There will never be a person that makes you happy all the time. I am in a relationship and I am lucky but the drama is real too
There is no person such as soulmate
Feb 08, 16 at 4:38am
I do... Thats before... Now? I don't... <\3
I personally believe them, though I go by more of the occultist belief in soul mates. Soul mates tend to be souls who have built a mutual bond with your soul in a past life, and chose to reincarnate with your soul in order to help aid in a particular karmic task. This is not your valentines day, commercially watered down version of a soul mate however, and in fact, a soul mate is generally not going to be a romantic partner. They could be anything from a close friend, a parent, or even an enemy, specifically there to help you work through unresolved karma. The twin flame is generally what you should be thinking of when you think of "Two beings being made for one another", and even that comes with complications, karmic responsibilities, and all kinds of other shit that you have to own up to. In short, I hope I don't have a twin flame, and I hope most of my meetings with soul mates are either brief, or on good terms. I would much rather forge new bonds rather than recycle old ones with pre-life baggage just waiting to resurface. Sorry if I ruined anyone's magical views with my crazy virgin wizard talk. Next time I'll roll a fighter.
I used to... But then I stopped caring about any kind of relationships in general, and started pushing away everyone who got too close rather than trying to find somebody. Kinda realized I was better off on my own, and getting involved in this kind of stuff will only turn my mind into Swiss cheese. So....nope, not buying this mumbo jumbo anymore lol. Plus I'm not really fond of the idea that there's somebody who is "destined" for me no matter what. Sort of feels like somebody else made my own decision for me without even asking. Ughhh...just nope...none of that please thank you. >_<
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