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What is it like dating you?

Donnie... have my babies.
How come Donnie always gets babies and I only get restraining orders :(
Jan 29, 16 at 8:47pm
cabage kids
I give affection till I drop dead. Then revive myself with anime and video games lol
Hmmmmm how should I go about this? Well... I'm an ugly and socially awkward weirdo, that people find very hard to understand or even talk to. So I'm really not sure about the whole dating thing. xD If I had somebody though, oh dear.....that unfortunate soul would probably never get rid of me haha. I don't find too many people interesting, but when somebody catches my eye, I hold on to them and would never ever give them up for anything else. Which I imagine would make me annoying to most people, since I would bug you 24/7. :P Another thing is that while I can be very shy and quiet to strangers, I get VERY talkative once I loosen up around you and get to know you better. So if you don't want an extreme daily dose of "blah blah blah", I suggest you avoid me lol. Also...I'm not a very realistic person, and tend to go over the top with everything I do. So unless you're a die hard daydreamer with a wild imagination, you're going to have a really hard time keeping up with me. O_O Other than that I would dare to consider myself to be quite loyal and respectful. If I really care for you, I wouldn't hesitate to go out of my way and plans, and you will always be the first thing on my mind. :3
Jan 30, 16 at 3:08am
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Jan 30, 16 at 5:39am
a moment
I eat bugs and garbage. I like to gross people out. also there would be a lot of touching. LMAO!!!!!!
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