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Physiological Tricks

Dec 09, 15 at 10:35pm
Ginseng: I assume it's because they're looking more for thrills then love. Penna: I didn't notice that, wish i could fix it, but I agree, and I think some of us even do it subconsciously. Even if it's not for a date people just have the subconscious need to be liked so they use small tricks without even knowing it themselves.
Dec 09, 15 at 11:15pm
Again, this is out of curiosity, I'm not l for it.
Dec 09, 15 at 11:18pm
Doesn't really seem like the best way to start a relationship.
Dec 10, 15 at 1:38am
It doesn't help for any serious relationship. There are things you can do that can help. One for example is being confident. Always be confident whenever you do ask them out. Don't act like you were playing if you were rejected. I used to really like a girl and I asked her out. I got rejected, however we became pretty close friends. Whenever I go to my hometown to visit, she is one of the only people that I can talk seriously to. There is a lot, but again don't use psychological tricks, they wont work in the long run.
In my opinion i disagree with this philosophy, entirely. If you are doing things to get dates psychologically, then that means you aren't being you. That means the person they fall in love with, personality wise, is not you. It is an imitation, not who you really are as a person, in the end i think this would be a waste of time. Not just for you, but the person you involved too, and it will be painful for both of you in the end. Just be you, and a person who likes you will come along, rather than someone who liked your phasod. In my opinion you shouldn't mess with peoples emotions, it only makes things worse in the end, it is best to be true to yourself, and the person you are seeking.
I'm telling you, pizza and tacos are the way to a girls heart. Or at least her stomach.
Dec 10, 15 at 5:58am
Don't we all put on our best face when trying to impress? Same deal. Don't try to think so hard, it might make ya do something stupid.
Yes there are tricks, no they do not work like magic on everyone. Sometimes they are exploiting people with low self esteem that thrive on external validation and are the bread and butter of the hook-up culture. Sometimes is just how to be a comfortable casual conversationalist. There is also a system the CIA developed to teach spies seduction that is proven effective but you have to be part-crazy(psychopathy) to handle the mental stress of that much manipulation without cracking up yourself. I have known a few PUAs in my time and some made 1-2K$ a night per seat teaching geeks how to get laid. Few PUAs I knew lived happy lives later since they became unable to bond with people and form healthy relationships; men and women especially are vulnerable to this issue if they game too long for just sex/validation. You can become desensitized to the hormone cocktail that fires off in your head when you fall for someone then never experience it again. I have used some of the methods in the past not to get dates as much but discern their true intentions or deflect undue drama when I sense they are playing games on me. When you see the game in play enough it is obvious. Wearing a mask never works out long, instead of pretending to be someone else, be your best true self. If you want to know the system I'll save you the money and tell you the secret as it's stupid easy. In a nutshell: Get your shit together, find your courage, and never give up.
I wouldnt employ them personally but yeah all my guy friends and girl friends say they do that. The last girl I was kind of tentatively courting said I played into her hands lmao. I dont think its that simple but for people who are vulnerable it probably is. I dont like playing games so I find it repugnant but I dont judge my friends
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