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Yami Bakura @fotsirk1997
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Yami Bakura @fotsirk1997
Not available for much longer >.>

Disconnect @tyler_disconnect
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Disconnect @tyler_disconnect
Ed yoo

Yami Bakura @fotsirk1997
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Yami Bakura @fotsirk1997
I wanna talk with youuuu!

Edtastic @edtastic
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Edtastic @edtastic
I am also Utah! Hooray!
Do you tend to get along better with males or females?

Edtastic @edtastic
commented on
Do you tend to get along better with males or females?
Edtastic @edtastic
Hmm, though to say really, but most of my close friends are girls, so I think I'll say girls ^u^
Hmm.. But I do have guy friends and a boyfriend..
Nevermind! I change to both I suppose.