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Physiological Tricks

Do you believe in using psychological tricks to get a date? Like being a slight dick to a person so they'll subconsciously need your approval? I just heard some of these tricks somewhere and was wondering if people actually use them. And if they work. I DON'T DO THIS OR PLAN TOO, THIS IS ALL OUT OF CURIOSITY.
Dec 09, 15 at 9:09pm
As a nice guy, I am curious about this as well and I am a decade older than Ed! So whomever offers insight can educate people of many ages! I humbly await enlightenment
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Just give them food.
With my natural code of honor, I would say no. People should love each other for who they truly are. I've seen it work for certain people. From my studies on people, some females like " badboys". It all depends on perspective.
Dec 09, 15 at 9:32pm
Don't do it, man. I've been down that road. Don't try to be somebody you are not. Yes, it is possible to be a player and win women over by deceit at least for a little while, but in your heart is it really worth it? Tricks don't win women over in the end. Just be animated, exaggerate a bit. Be interesting. These are things women like.
Dec 09, 15 at 9:35pm
I don't really plan on doing any of these, this was mostly out of curiosity.
Dec 09, 15 at 9:37pm
Another question, Would you use these tricks on someone you like, like a crush, to get them interested in you? Again, just out of curiosity.
If it's something like giving them a nickname to increase their sense of familiarity with you, that's cool. But if you're trying to 'game' relationship dynamics, it's honestly a terrible idea and people who do so are usually very inconsiderate of potentially hurting others. Also, have you ever stopped to wonder why a lot of people who use those kinds of tricks are still single?
Dec 09, 15 at 10:07pm
You wrote physiological in the header lol... (meaning physical) But psychological tricks, yes there are lots of them. People are relatively easy to predict to a degree. I admittedly have used tricks before to result in someone being interested in me. And in reality, pretty much everyone does to some point. They hide information, they act like someone they're really not inside, they're deceiving about their appearances and they say things they know others want to hear. It is what it is. Whether it's bad or not is pretty much subjected to whether the person you used it on thinks it's bad or not. But personally over the years I've developed a more honest life style. Acting like someone else wasn't really enjoyable and really I can't say that I ended up in relationships with people who "really" were my type. Y'know, because they thought I was someone I wasn't. So yes. They work. Is it worth it? Not really. Unless you're just violently curious. But you'll probably just end up unhappy about it and so will anyone you use em on.
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