
rockzake @rockzake
commented on
rockzake @rockzake
It's really hard for me to talk to girls, let alone confess. Before every message I try to send to a girl, I just sit there with my finger hovering over the enter button, worrying if the message would make me look creepy, annoying, or just plain weird.

Dazai @dazai_osamu
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Dazai @dazai_osamu
I used to be like that, I became more of a fuck it kind of person though. No point in trying to be someone am not, that would hurt me in the long run, it's best just to be your weird self, if people don't like that then why would you of wanted to be friends in the first place :P though I do suggest limiting yourself a tad, especially if your first thought is sexually, that would be bad.
tl;dr - just be yourself :)

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
hard to say
iv been rejected before and that shit stings, and if your asking out a friend it could ruin everything
id have to make sure they like me, like ask a friend to ask them
but its pretty obvious when i have a crush on someone xD so id imagine theyd know

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
@rockzake dont worry too much about what you send. If its something risky then obviously think twice about it but honestly dont worry about coming off as creepy unless ofc you are doing something that would be considered creepy. The way i usually message people is how i would if i were talking to them irl. If you wouldnt say it to someone irl then dont say it in text.

❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
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❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
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meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
I'm obsessed with accuracy and caution as well as effort and love. If ignorant on some parts, trouble starts to grow. But I really hate laziness. If refusing to accept laziness, then irritability breaks loose. Anxiety also comes.
I also usually love being generous as much as I necessarily can. When excited, I share a lot of interesting things I know, but some quit listening, while some keep listening.

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Its definitely scary. Everytime I confess irl it never worked out. First time I chickened out halfway and it was middle school so they said I was stalking this one girl I liked since I ran after saying two words to her. After that I confessed in highschool to this girl bamed Keionii. Super pretty red head I knew since middle school. Asked if she would like to go to a movie and she just started laughing saying "no". Apparently she had a bf who dropped out of highschool and was in his early twenties. My friends all warned me that she was a bitch in the first place, but I didn't believe it since I knew her so long. I guess I was wrong. The most latest time was a more fluid confession in Hawaii. I found this red head from newzealand to be very attractive, and she was into all the same things I was. She politely let me down without making me feel like an idiot. She was leaving the ship in two weeks she told me and said that 2 weeks is not much time to spend with someone when both parties work everyday morning to night. I guess slowly I am getting slightly better progress in confessing. Who knows how my next confession will go! Lol xD

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
commented on
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Also me and the girl from new zealand are still friends. So yeah you really don't ruin friendships the entire time when confessing. If you like someone you have to tell them if you have been talking awhile.

Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
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Gone_to_Arcadia @john_felix
This account has been suspended.

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
I confess the days when I really want people to talk to are the days when people are busy doing something else and often can't or don't message me so I start to feel a bit clingy and eagerly hoping someone will finally message me back. Today is one of those days ;-;
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