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michaelw @michaelw commented on hello
Aug 09, 15 at 10:45pm
Hecks yeah. My hoodie was like his camper and he was always on vacation. I guess Bastard was normal rat sized. His body was about as long as my hand from fingertip to wrist. One of the cute things he did was laying on his back (which rats usually hate) in my palm or lap. Then I would pet his belly and watch his head ever so slowly fall back until he fell asleep. Moé-ments.... I wouldn't say that the cat's owners mistreat him really. Animals just feed off of peoples' disposition and emotions. These people are really... Intense? I guess. If anything they are too caring for him. To the point where they must drive him away.
Haruu @haruu commented on hello
Aug 09, 15 at 11:13pm
@Michael: That's a cute rat. :) I like it when my cat lays on her back too. She's so cute. :> You rat sounds like a good size, but I wish there were rats as big as my cat out there. :< OOHH I see. LOLOL THAT'S PROBABLY MY FAMILY. My poor cat doesn't want to see us.
michaelw @michaelw commented on hello
Aug 10, 15 at 2:49am
I've heard of them "cat size" before. Just not pet rats. Might of been an exaggeration though.
Aug 11, 15 at 12:44pm
Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^ http://i.imgur.com/FSZzK8u.jpg
yaasshat @yaasshat commented on hello
Aug 11, 15 at 1:25pm
Want a big rat? Get a capibara, the world's biggest rodent (and legal to own...pending the right license, I believe).
Aug 11, 15 at 1:50pm
Welcome to the site! Know i'm abit late, but who cares!
Aug 11, 15 at 1:57pm
^This guy
Haruu @haruu commented on hello
Aug 11, 15 at 4:47pm
@Michael: Ohh I hope there's some like though out there @Manga_bird: Thankk youuu! @Yass: OOHHH that cool >w< I hope they're as soft as cats @Jiko: Hey, Jiko c: @Octavious: Thank you! c:
Aug 11, 15 at 5:16pm
Rodents are ok...even reptiles are nice but the one pet i can see myself never getting is a tarantula.....sorry i cant do it i dont even see how that can be a pet in the first place
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